Maybe They’re Just Keeping the Seats Warm For The Trump Legal Team

March 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump funneling more Republican campaign money to his own pocket just thrills me to death.  The more RNC money Trump gets, the less money Republican congressmen get.

Trump started his reelection campaign on inauguration day. That included renting giant gilded offices in Trump Tower, where rent has plummeted for any other renter except for Trump’s reelection campaign offices where they are paying more than ever.  To Trump.


Yeah, you bet it’s a joke.  Cue soundtrack to this train wreck.



Trump ran for president because he needed the money.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Maybe They’re Just Keeping the Seats Warm For The Trump Legal Team”

  1. Some people are just so dumb they don’t even realize it when they gut themselves with a rusty spoon. Mr. I Love Debt will most likely end up that way. His name is coming off of buildings around the world in a hurry. A sure sign that he will largely be forgotten. And an ego as big as his cannot stand that sort of outcome.

  2. This is really good, as it means that Prez Trump is siphoning off money from Republican office seekers.  It is so good that I have decided to start calling myself a “Trump Democrat”, because this, and so  much of what the Prez does, is contributing to the destruction of the GOP.  Go Trump!!!  And I want to thank all of you who supported Trump and helped to get him elected.  MADA!!! Make America Democrat Again!!

    Somebody send me a gimme hat as bonus……..

  3. I don’t like to hate people, but the whole trump presidency is making me do it. You know who I hate more than trump? His stoooopid, stoooopid supporters. When i hear them cheering at one of his rallies, I just hate them.

    The earlier story about women refusing to date Repug men gave me hope that procreation would start limiting their numbers. Then I realized that that was only in the big cities.

  4. George in Lee County says:
    Go Trump!!!

    I’m with you George! Every Republican buck that lines Trump’s pockets is a dollar not spent on other Republican candidates. If the GOP loses the House in the 2018 elections, there will be more committees and hearings about all things Trump than you can shake a golf club at.

    Then, my personal preference would be to create a no-fly zone around Trump, keep him in check legislatively, let him limp around as a lame duck for two years and then, let the Republicans fight over what to do with him in 2020.

  5. TrulyTexan says:

    In fairness to Dire Straits, while trump and his cabal are getting money for nothing, the chicks apparently cost $130,000.

  6. Waaay back, at the beginning of the destruction of middle earth, I remember reading that all the RNC monies left over from the campaign are taxed unless the candidate declares themselves running for the next election. So does the cheeto in chief have to pay the tax or give the RNC money back when perp walked out of the building?

  7. “Negotiable virtue” never got as high as $130k, at least that I ever heard. Even Jason Itzler’s heretofore NY Confidential record hooker Natalia only charged $2k the hour.

  8. MaryAnne says:

    The last post by Micr proved that Trump is no business man!

    He paid more than the hourly rate! And,he is going to negotiate trade deals for us?

    No, thanks!:)
