Maybe She’s Running for Quitter-In-Chief

June 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Oh Sarah,” Juanita smiles, “Girl, didn’t your mother tell you that when you start something you’re supposed to finish it?”

Amid diminishing media interest, Sarah Palin has quit her high-profile bus tour halfway through and returned to Alaska with her family, according to RealClearPolitics.

“Y’all,” Juanita grins, “the new Ain’t Sarah Dandy documentary is entitled ‘Undefeated.’  So, don’t be embroidering any Winners Never Quit mottoes on your couch pillows.”

Juanita is wondering why we didn’t hear about Canadians coming out of their houses to point to laugh at the bus as it made it’s sluggish journey home to mope?

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