Maybe Not So Much

March 04, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


While Texas Republicans were jumping up and down over the Voter ID bill, trying to convince us that Voter ID was the only thing keeping Texas from being paradise, they got some help from their friends in Indiana.

… the chief legal counsel for the Indiana secretary of state said the voter ID law there has worked well over the past five years.

“Despite the intense scrutiny of the law, in five years and eight statewide elections, there has been scant evidence of disenfranchisement or discrimination of voters,” said Jerry Bonnet of the secretary of state’s office. “The sun came up after Indiana’s voter ID law passed, and the law has become routine.”

Well, hell, it even makes the sun rise.  Indiana was held as the reason Texas should have voter ID because, by gawd, it was working like steam engine on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe.

The chief legal counsel for the Indiana Secretary of State even went this far in upholding voter ID in his state.

Despite the criticism of the Texas bill, Jerry Bonnet, chief legal counsel for the Indiana secretary of state’s office, testified that his state’s voter ID law has not hampered turnout or prevented legal voters from casting ballots.

Van de Putte questioned Bonnet about reports that some Indiana nuns were not allowed to vote. One group of women from a convent, most in their 80s, were turned away because they did not have required photo IDs, she said. Bonnet said they refused to present valid IDs and hinted that the situation might have been a publicity stunt.

“So they were devious nuns?” Van de Putte asked.

“Yes,” Bonnet responded.

Hot dog!  That there is some wonderful Voter Id bill.  It even outted devious nuns!  So Texas Republicans jumped on it like a fat lady on a milkshake.

Well, come to find out, maybe there might be a small, tiny, insignificant little problem in Indiana.

Texas Republicans are doing the irony dance today. The Indiana Secretary of State was indicted on seven felony charges.  But, not just for lying and fraud.  No, siree.  He’s damned and determined to make this the Irony Sweepstakes.

He was indicted for felony voter ID fraud.  Three times.

A Hamilton County grand jury indicted White on three counts of voter fraud alleging he lied about his address when he voted in last year’s Republican primary. He also faces charges of perjury and fraud on a financial institution — again, for allegedly lying about his address — as well as theft for continuing to collect his salary as a Fishers Town Council member after moving from his designated district.

Texas Republicans:  They can’t see lightening or hear thunder.

Juanita is quoting Aretha Franklin today.  Ca-ca-chain.  Chain of fools.

“Aw hell,” she concluded, “you can’t be this dumb by accident.  This level of dumb takes planning and committee meetings.”

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