Maybe He’s on a Roll
Remember Louisiana congressraccoon Clay Higgins? The guy who acted the fool during the Michael Cohen hearing? And we find out his staff is dabbling in human trafficking and prostitution?
He’s back!
This morning, during a hearing on immigration, he compared the arrival of migrants at the border is kinda like D-Day.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. That’s awful but, Honey, he was just doing it to help us understand.
“Let me just put this in context for the American people,” Higgins said. “Perhaps the most famous invasion in the history of the world — D-Day — 73,000 American troops landed in the D-Day invasion. We have 76,103, according to my numbers, apprehensions along our southern border last month.”
And then he huffed himself up with tremendous pride that he remembered that a whole bunch of people landed on some damn beach with some boats and stormed the beaches. I don’t think he realizes they came to liberate France. And, actually, British and Canadian forces landed with us, making it 156,000 troops. It was Allied Forces, something Trump is insuring we don’t have anymore.
His summary?
“We have D-Day every month on our southern border,” he added.
No, we don’t. Nobody is coming to liberate France but I dunno, maybe they do want to liberate France and south Louisiana will do in a pinch.
Oh, this guy is gonna be fun, y’all.