Math Lessons with MTG

March 02, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Perhaps I’m not the right guy to deliver this particular message. After all, I had to remind my supervisor that I hadn’t sat in a math class in 25 years when he decided that I should support a high school Geometry class. However, I worked it and managed to survive on the other end. Understanding basic math is probably a bonus, but I have no way of knowing for sure. As far as I know, Geometry is mainly about triangles and stuff. It’s not like we were splitting the atom.

The notorious MTG might be the most brilliant mathematician in Congress. She has mistaken millions for billions more than once and even then the results were hilarious. A quick tutorial for Marge: a billion dollars is 1000 million. One billion people is 1000 million. In the case above, she said one school had gotten a 5.1 billion dollar grant. That’s amazing. I want to work at that school. I’m sure teachers are getting spa treatments and corporate retreats during their conference period.


Maybe that is why I had 97 kids in my 6th period English class all of the sudden. Of course, I’m being sarcastic lest anyone believe we really have more than 100,000 kids in each high school. Then again, maybe we could accommodate those 100,000 kids if someone threw 5.1 billion our direction. Maybe the cross fit is starting to mess with her brain. Maybe the numbers of new billionaires has clouded her judgement about how much one billion actually is. Of course, it’s just more likely that she’s a dumbass. Remember children, numbers matter and we can’t just make up any stupid figure that enters your brain. Pencils down. This has been your daily math lesson with the notorious MTG.

0 Comments to “Math Lessons with MTG”

  1. Catherine Riley says:

    I am voting for her just being a dumb ass, or as I tell my husband, it is pronounced DooMass.

  2. Seriously, she needs meds!!! I’m not kidding! She has all the signs of a serious mental illness and we shouldn’t br flippant or cruel about that.

  3. Marge is heinous, a racist, xenophobic–except towards Russians, ignorant, a hypocrite and basically a horrible human being.

    But . . . .

    The constant stupid, acting out and lies is done for a reason. It tires her sympathetic base out and helps her grift money because of what the mean Democrats say about her. Old game,
    nasty player.

  4. Maggie @ 2,

    MTG is a hormonally deranged termagant. Margie needs industral strength psycho meds and a place to chill behind a locked door.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    And I was afraid we’d miss Louie Gohmert.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Buttermilk Sky – you said it all

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s hard to believe someone stayed married to her for 27 years, but he finally got smart and fled (after her affair with her gym mate- maybe they were using steroids together). Is she trying to impress potential new men with her math skills? Her magat followers will believe anything so she’s got that going for her.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Besides her math skills, she’s a bit challenged on recent presidential history (along with her other repugnantican colleagues)-

  9. blobby HAS to be in the spotlight – Marje HAS to look stoopid .

  10. Nick, you’re the perfect guy for delivering this message.
    Because the delivery’s purty damn good which is the only criteria that matters.
    As much as I’ve enjoyed the Fascism discussion points, I have to admit, “Of course it’s just more likely she’s a dumbass” kinda cut to the chase for this one.
    And Steve, thanks for the link to Rachel’s blog. That piece was great. And it also led me to another piece.
    The piece is great.
    But the video of Eric Swalwell is …. incredibly…. gratifying.
    Just make sure to watch it until the last second.
    THAT’S what I’M TALKIN BOUT!!!

  11. Oldymoldy says:

    I’m of the opinion that she doesn’t know the difference between million and billion. After all, they sound a little bit alike, and they actually look a little alike if you don’t know that the alphabet matters. And she’s inclined to blurt out any damn thing that comes into her pitiful little mind. As is clearly on display with her recent rants concerning the divorce of the nation. Which should be sufficient reason to charge her with treason and hang her from the yardarms! It simply reiterates that she has invoked the Peter Principle, many times over!
