Math is Hard, Y’all

November 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not watch Fox and Friends.  I also do not put my hand into a running blender.

People who do watch Fox and Friends are kind enough to underline the weird parts so I can enjoy it.

Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 10.12.32 AMSteve Doocy makes the first announcement about the job numbers, referring to the BLS news release as the “jobless report.” He hesitates and stumbles before saying that the unemployment rate stands at five percent, and adding, “I believe that could be a little lower than in August, and in September as well.”

Hummmm …. so how can you spin that?  You do the “DeWayne failed math and grandpa has already dozed off so we can pull a fast one” tactic.  Except, hell, you can pull a slow one. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the perfect choice to do that job because Lord knows she ain’t the brightest light on the Christmas tree. She explains …

“That’s right, Steve. Only 271,000 new jobs were added last month. That is up from September as well. Analysts were expecting more than 180,000 jobs for October.”

Okay, so analysts were expecting more than 180,000 jobs but only 271,000 were added?  That Obama is such a failure.  He can even do what experts were expecting.  Thanks, Obama.

And somewhere in a cryogenically sealed dark room, Rupert Murdoch is rubbing his hands together and chuckling. Even Darth Vader trembles in terror.


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0 Comments to “Math is Hard, Y’all”

  1. Maybe they don’t understand the difference between “jobless” and actually having a job. In their world, up is down and the pyramids were used for grain storage, so what can we expect of Steve Doofus?

  2. With their audience, spinning this any way they want to, is a cinch. No problem.

  3. Fox has mastered the negative spin, the pandering tone and the arrogance of ignorance. As we have said hundreds of time, facts don’t get in their way.

  4. It almost sounds like 7th grade science class with all the negatives and positives. I think they flunked that, too.

  5. FOX NEWS : The Koch Brothers and the Walton Famiies are only worth less than 150 Billion per family. Their income has ONLY grown by 100 Billion in the last 15 years. They are just regular folks like you and I. They really need more tax relief and you should be happy for them and take your no health insurance,no food stamps, no retirement program, no social security and no medicare. Be fair and balanced like FOX.

  6. Must have spent their school years worrying about football and/or their cheerleader outfits.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dec 2008 Fox News: Only 850,000 Jobs lost this Month.


    Dang it Obama, work harder! Little George still looks bad. Jeb(?) can’t fix that……..

  8. Lost in the spinning is the FACT that Republicans were responsible for all of the lost jobs and the near collapse of the economy a la Bush administration. Another example of Dubya “keeping us safe”. Ha!

  9. On nbc it was presented as a negative also. Jobless down , interest rates will go up. So we are supposed to rail against some folks getting a job cause it might or might not hurt our house or car loan. They are more like faux everyday

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I personally think that Elisabeth would be a really cute model for a Disney movie. Don’t knock her skills. Math obviously isn’t one of them. Well, it’s not mine either but I’m not trying to get on the news. Y’all are givin’ me a headache with all this higher math….

  11. Not so sure this is spin, although as the propaganda arm of the nacolbupeR party, Fox and Murdoch are THE spinmeisters. It could be that the nacolbupeR party plan is to lose jobs in America by systematically shipping them off American shores. Profits would go up for multinationals and the world citizens who own them. The Kochs really don’t see themselves limited by allegiance to the USA do they?

  12. There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. FOX uses them all.

    Statistics are only meaningful in context. Old, old, Cold War joke. Pravda headlines exclaim that in a horse race the Russian horse came in second, while the American horse was next to last. Context: There were only two horses in the race.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    but if you take the number of jobless and subtract 271000,that is a negative,isn’t it? Plus you now have 271000 less unemployed workers so that is another negative. Plus there are now 271000 less people on welfare so that hurts Obama’s image. That is a plus for Fake Noize.

  14. Math may be hard, but arithmetic is easy. Except on Faux Noize.

  15. They don’t even know what they said.

    Had to go get The Lounge lizards Small Minds Life Is Hardest when you’re dumb on the You Tube. Course “Shallow End of the Gene Pool” works, too.

    JJ and the Lounge Lizards keep me functional.
