Martha McSally

June 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Martha McSally is running for US Senate out in Arizona.  She must be having a tough time raising money because her WinRed (the opposite of Democrat’s ActBlue) does something unusual.

Usually if you want to make your contribution monthly, you have to take the action of clicking the box that says “Make this monthly.”

McSally checked that box for you.  Most people don’t even notice so they end up making a monthly contribution without even knowing it. Mostly, that pisses people off.



McSally does not care.  But she might need to because Ted Cruz got his hand slapped for doing the same thing.

But, ya gotta kinda a little bit feel sorry for McSally. She’s running against a damn astronaut.  Yeah, Mark Kelly.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Martha McSally”

  1. charles phillips says:

    Desperation reveals poor habits.

  2. McSally was smart enough to function as an enlisted warrior. What the hell happened to her brain?

  3. If you or I did that we would be prosecuted for credit card fraud.

    IOKIYAR apparently. Then it is just a whoopsie.

  4. Yup, that’s a winner right there.

  5. megasoid says:

    Yeah and she’s tradin’ in her Chevy for a Cadillachackhackhackhackhack

    You oughta know by now

    If she can’t drive with a broken back

    At least she can polish the fenders

    And it seems such a waste of time

    If thats what its all about

    Mama if thats movin’ up then I’m

    Movie’ out

    – Apologies to Billy Joel

  6. megasoid says:

    There appears to be a tiepoe. Where’s my coffee?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Why not? Should be effective. No one ever said the “Rs” were bright enough to notice wth they’re signing. Teddie Crooze didn’t suffer any consequences. No reason for McSally to fear the toothless FEC. Our luck would be a few of her potential voters noticing they’ve been gouged and not voting for her.

    Go Commander Kelly!

  8. Old Fart says:

    The benefit of purchasing stuff, rather than a straight donation, is they CAN’T make it recurring. Or else the credit card companies get involved, along with the legal system. And that backup is quick…

  9. maryelle says:

    If there’s a wrong, illegal, or immoral way to do things, let us not be surprised when Republicans choose it. McSally is a Rethug. ‘Nuff said.

  10. megasoid says:

    Apropos of Commander Kelly’s campaign: Try your hand/eye coordination for successfully docking with the ISS.

    Try not to kill yourself before the November election. Danger: DO NOT play with your kids, it could prove… humiliating.

    SPACEX – ISS Docking Simulator

  11. Mark Kelly has out raised McSally in campaign funds. The R slime machine is trying to slime Kelly with ads accusing him of having stock in Chineses companies, associates with Communists, etc. Pot calling the kettle black, I think is the correct expression.

    McSally was appointed by our governor here to replace the late Senator, John McCain.

    Maryelle @ 9, Yep, she’s a Rethug with knee pads for sucking up to Trump.

    Mark Kelly’s ads keep focused on the fact that McSally voted in favor of health insurance corps. being able to discriminate against people with pre-exisitng conditions.

  12. RepubAnon says:

    Sort of an object lesson in Republican legislators attitudes to the rest of us…

  13. thatotherjean says:

    Good move, Martha! Because forcing those “opt out” options for contributions on people–and checking it yourself, no less–has proven to be so popular. They don’t piss anybody off, no ma’am.

  14. joel hanes says:

    To be scrupulously fair, this was an occasional problem on ActBlue pages for various Democratic candidates prior to Super Tuesday. Sorry, didn’t keep a list or pointers, so I can’t name names, but I got caught three times and had to go monthly contributions accidentally set up.
