Marriage thru the Millennia

April 29, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By Primo Encarnación y Hachecristo

There is an Hachecristo cousin who shall remain nameless, but he’s no one you’ve met yet. Within la familia there have been many whispered “Do you think he’s…?” But, unlike the US of A under our peerless leader, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is alive and well among the Hachecristo’s, as is the concept of 1 man + 1 woman = 1 marriage.

You would be correct in assuming that we are all very Democratic and more-or-less liberal. You don’t grow up off-white in this country and not be, unless there’s something wrong with your heart, brain or courage.   The older generation suffered the Depression, and celebrated the social justice of the New Deal, and achieved middle class status thanks to the unions. However, they also grew up and got married hearing the Mass in Latin, which contrary to Teapopulist belief is not what Latinos speak at home.

So out of deference to the oldsters, we leave a lot of the RuPaul recaps at the doorstep before going in for dinner on Easter or Mother’s Day. And the divorcees among us walk a little small, too.

Justice Kennedy, who in all respects looks like he may side with liberal half of the court on gay marriage, is, like our parents, DEAD wrong in one respect: 1 man + 1 woman has not been around for millennia. Like most of the other large mammals, thanks be to Darwin, the concept within the species has been 1 male MULTIPLE females, for the space of a single breeding season. And the biggest, strongest, fastest or smartest male, the one able to outmaneuver, outthink or outfight the previous alpha male, is the one who gets to get “married” 3 or 8 or 19 times, depending on the size of the tribe, pride, or herd.

Out of this biological imperative grew our concept of chief, leader, king and emperor. Politics came about, and continues to this day, as a great way to get laid.

As in so many other things, marriage was for a long time a one-way deal, invented by men to subjugate women as property, and to ensure that the male heir to the man’s other property was indeed his own: that he has not been cuckolded with a cuckoo’s egg hatchling set to inherit his stuff.

Sacramental marriage for “love” is a fairly recent development, within the last few centuries: formerly, political concerns were, again, driving the wedding of peers and the begetting of heirs much more than “love.” Even poor brides were required to submit to the droits de seigneur – her maidenhead belonged to the lord of the manor to take, or bestow. Plural marriage is still practiced as a Christian religious imperative (or as television entertainment) inside the United States to this day. Arranged marriages are also still celebrated in America today, within several sub-cultures.

For millennia, then, marriage has actually been about male power, property and privilege. No wonder the Right Wing Nutjobs want to maintain “traditional” definitions.

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