Mark of the Least

August 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think y’all might remember Cathie Adams, the former chairman of the Texas Republican Party who is pretty much convinced that you’re going to hell.

Cathie of the Beast

And that Grover Norquist grew a beard to show people that he’s a Muslim.

And that she resigned after being accused of playing loose and easy with Republican Party money.

And that President Obama has fried his brain on drugs.

In short, Cathie’s tray ain’t in the full upright and locked position.

So now she’s decided that the immigration reform bill in the Senate, which includes biometric scanning, is the Mark of the Beast.

“And, of course, we know in biblical prophecy that that is the End Times,” Adams said of the initiative. “That is going to be the brand either on our foreheads or on the back of our hands. That is demonic through and through. That is End Times prophecy. There is no question about that.”

Of course, Cathie also thought that scanners in the grocery stores, ATM machines, the internet, and disco music were also the mark of the beast.  She has led a life of grave disappointment.

Think how she’s going to feel when Jesus comes again and he’s from Mexico this time.

Bless her heart.  I worry about her.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Mark of the Least”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Bless her heart. Life is real hard on folks who really know The Truth and it turns out it ain’t.

  2. yeah well, I did have my doubts about Disco music but then again I am one of “those” 70’s libril Dems from Calif.
    Certainly been interesting being here in Texas for the last 2.5 months from Calif. Thank you shrub and the rest of the gopers for tanking the economy.
    I now have a Texas license plate for my car, a drivers license and I have registered to VOTE here. Plus I have an orange shirt now!!!!

  3. Cathy Adams is a sad, sad creature! It is so sad how she can twist the scripture to be so demonic!

  4. So how does she explainiate the tattoo’s on Concentration Camp residents in the mid-20th Century? Body Art?

  5. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Next time Jesus comes? Try to tell her the color of the people in that part of the world where he was the last time. Hint: lily white ain’t it.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    So she sees demons. Takes one to know one, I guess.

  7. Well, even if Jesus shows up as a Semite, like the last time, I feel sure Cathy will be scandalized.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Back when I taught Sunday school to fifth graders, I told them that the bigwigs in suits thought Jesus would show up wearing a three piece suit, on an airplane, carrying a brief case. Imagine their surprise when He showed up in overalls, driving a beat up old truck with a tool box, hanging out in poor neighborhoods.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Caroline, glad you’re here in Texas where we really need you to be. I’m not big on disco music either.

  10. Cathy, resiliency knows the difference between hard times and End times and this ain’t end times. Yer just gonna have to wait some longer for The Rapture!

  11. Marge, I absolutely love that Sunday school lesson. It was true the first time around and it’ll be true next time, too. He did not come to hang out with the self-important, but with those who most needed hope and unconditional love.

  12. zyxomma, if that prophet waits until age 30 to do her business, I’ll be 87 before the new message is released. Then again, meeting a real prophet can be scary. Sweet Jesus had a way of looking into people’s hearts and asking them the questions they didn’t want asked.

  13. Concerning her attitude towards beards, I’m sure she’d claim Lincoln wasn’t a ‘real’ Repub.

    Every time a Texas Repub opens his/her mouth, I’m reminded of the saying attributed to Einstein: “The only things infinite are the Universe and Stupidity – and we’re not sure about the Univerrse”.”

  14. daisymae says:

    I’m glad I don’t live in her self-satisfied, smug head.

  15. RepubAnon says:

    I expect her office staff has been ordering the extra mushroom pizzas from the Toad Lick’n Good Pizza Parlor again.

  16. W C Peterson says:

    Is there any way to move the Rapture closer? I’m tired of having to put up with the fundies and can’t wait until they all clear out to the Rapture and leave the rest of us alone to clean up their mess they leave. But I would enjoy cleaning up the mess knowing they wsere gone for good.

  17. RepubAnon says:

    zyxomma, another Rapture day hoax involved a number of inflatable full-size human dolls and a helium tank. The idea was to release a flock of these helium-filled honeys to float off to heaven just as one of the End Days congregations was getting out of church…

  18. OMG … the Rapture hoaxes would be a total hoot, wouldn’t they? I’d love to see something like that happen!!

  19. mike from iowa says:

    Please don’t do these hoaxes. You would never convince these nuts that the “raptured” weren’t real. They are so far out in la-la land as it is.

  20. Where does she find stores to shop in that don’t have scanners?

  21. It sounds as though without all the conspiracy theories poor Cathie would have no fun in her life at all.

  22. TexasEllen says:

    Welcome, Caroline! We are proud to have you!

  23. SomedayGirl says:

    Someone last Harold Camping Rapture Day ran several ads offering to continue caring for rapturees pets, $100 in advance non-refundable. He made like $1000 on it.
