Mark Meadows is Not Having a Happy Day

October 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

An FEC complaint was filed today against Mark Meadows, Trumps Chief of Staff, for oh yeah charging his PAC and his campaign for personal expenses.

The spending includes a jewelry store and numerous restaurants and clubs, including the Trump Hotel in DC and its restaurants.

Ann Hand is the jewelry store where he bought … uh, paper. He also spent money at Costco and a local cupcake store.

And then, and then, after all that they find out that he’s been playing hanky-panky with campaign money to help a candidate running to replace him.

It’s a complicated scheme but that’s the kind you go to jail for doing.

This guy is so full of himself that if you stuck him with a pin, he’d fly around the room backward for a damn week.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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