Making Him Pay

July 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I would feel sorry for Chief Justice  John Roberts but I just can’t.  Even blind squirrels can find acorns, and he voted right one damn time.  Like Thelma says, “Just because he breath smells like bananas doesn’t mean he’s Tarzan.”

Wiping that grin off his face

Roberts is learning a very valuable lesson:  he lays down with dogs.

Slimy leaks from inside the court, which more than likely didn’t come from Sonia Sotomayor, paint Roberts as everything from crazy, to drug induced delirium, to the suggestion that he’s pure poopie del pollo and probably was bought-off.

Godforsaken old Scalia was furious about it and since he couldn’t bring himself to attack another old white guy, he lashed out at the closest black guy around and that just happened to be President Obama.

The rightwing will never forgive Roberts, and if he has a hair on his butt he’ll never go back to them.  If he has any sense of decency, he will apologize for Citizens United, tell everybody that he voted incorrectly only because Clarence Thomas was telling some very distracting dirty jokes.

Hell, they had Bush tear up the Presidency, John Boehner fry the Congress and now they are depending on Scalia to hold the Court in the bathtub and drown that sucker.

Have I told you lately that I hate those sumbitches?  I do.  I flat hate them.

Thanks to David for getting me riled-up.

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