Making America Small Again

August 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Once the transcripts of the phone conversation between Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto were leaked, things got really weird.

The transcript shows that Trump admitted he knew damn well that Mexico was not going to pay for the wall and that he couldn’t make them.  So he whined to Peña Nieto.

Trump pleaded with Peña Nieto to not say publicly that Mexico wouldn’t pay.

“Believe it or not, this is the least important thing that we are talking about,” Trump said, “but politically this might be the most important talk about.”

Peña Nieto insists he will continue to firmly say Mexico will not pay for the wall: “But my position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico cannot pay for that wall.”

Trump responds: “But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that.”

So, Trump is asking Peña Nieto to lie to save Trump’s political base.

When Jorge Guajardo, one of Mexico’s most senior foreign policy experts heard that, he recalls a conversation he recently had with a Mexican official.
“He’s the opposite of Teddy Roosevelt,” that official quipped to Guajardo about Trump. “He speaks loudly and carries a small stick.”
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0 Comments to “Making America Small Again”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    So…. Donnie…. it seems you need those Messicans after all!

    Don’t lie for “D” my Nieto
    The truth is you’ve got him cornered!

  2. That Other Jean says:

    Mexican Official: “He speaks loudly and carries a small stick.” (mic drop)

    And that is all that needs to be said about Trump.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    “He speaks loudly and carries a small stick.”

    That is Donnie in a nutshell! Dolt45 should be DoltXLV in Roman numerals. But Donnie doesn’t rate a “V.” In his case V = IIIII, both for his penchant to make everything about himself, “I” and his incompetence, idiocy, impotence and ignorance.

  4. So, since the wall was the least important thing to discuss with the leader of Mexico, clearly it’s purpose was inconsequential. Which means, Trump’s promise to his base was a lie.

    And yet, Congress just appropriated funds to start a small section of the wall, to continue the charade.

    It’s like, we’re Butch & Sundance, on the trail, being relentlessly pursued by the Trumpertons, who’s stupidity knows no bounds, one stupid decision after another, and yet we still pause and look back thinking it’s got to stop sooner or later, but then we wind up staring at each other in exasperation, “who are these guys?”

  5. My one word for the Mexican phone conversation is insulting, and two words for the Australian…willful ignorance. These are beyond belief.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Speaking of fences and Donnie, Will Rogers had something to say about that:

    —“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”

  7. Well, well, well. I thought he said he was a master negotiator. One of the best. The Artist of the Deal.

    And this is how he negotiates? No wonder Pootie Poot loves him.

  8. John in Illinois says:

    No! No small stick!

    She’s the small stick!

  9. Rick, this is the only line from Butch & Sundance that Donnie brings to mind:

    I know he didn’t expect that transcript to be made public, but judas priest, he is such a pathetic little whiner. “There’ll be so much whining, you’ll get sick of all the whining….” Long ago.

  10. Rhea,
    You’ve got that right!

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    It’s just a reflection of our political system–willful lying. Especially since recent court decisions have ruled that campaign promises that aren’t fulfilled, or are deliberately broken, cannot be used as evidence of fraud because they are only verbal promises NOT meant to be taken as true statements. It’s OK for politicians to lie, and the Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle has really learned about how to do that.


  12. I guess its up to me to point out the obvious. A small stick is all Donnie can get his tiny vulgarian fingers around. He discovered this sad fact at puberty.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Small twig is about all whining traitor trump can carry. Toddlers whine and it’s annoying. Trump whines and it’s more than disgusting it’s revolting. But what else could we expect? Traitor trump is delusional.

  14. Small stick? Was that a typo?

  15. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Embarrassing.

    To the entire nation.

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “He speaks loudly and carries a small stick.”

    You know what they say about small hands….

  17. That yapping little Chihuahua in the White House…

    Have you seen Mad Dogs, the Netflix series?

    They’ve got the right fix for that.

  18. Someone posted a picture on FB labeled:
    “BREAKING NEWS: Mexico has agreed to pay for Trump’s impeachment”
