Making America Safe for Rich White People

April 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you thought the Koch Brothers bought the American political system?  Oh hell, those boys ain’t even major players.

Ted Cruz’s donors have raised $31 million in one week.

ted-cruz-really-24784_186x186Securing the backing of the Mercers is huge for Cruz: Robert Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Over the past six years, Mercer, the CEO of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, has poured $37 million into various political causes. A Bloomberg profile published in October called him “the man who out-Koched the Kochs.”

I cannot imagine anything sweeter than all these idiots wasting their money.  Remember Sheldon Adelson?

Th downside is that you can buy a lot of dirty tricks for $31 million.  This is gonna be messy.


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0 Comments to “Making America Safe for Rich White People”

  1. He and the others can afford to do all sorts of dirty tricks and I don’t care. They can turn Hillery into a cross dressing lesbian muslin jew atheist killer and I would still vote for her because she aint a rePUKEian and doing so will piss them off….GOOD!! they are EVIL!!!
    Besides he’s a feriner!! Where is his birth certificate!!!! Cruz is a evil forrin xtian terrorist!!!!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Remember Sheldon Adelson?”

    Yes, we do. Shelly is infamous for supporting losers for the GOP. He’s a regular one man welfare tool for the political moochers here in Nevada. He also ventures into other states, when he fears that on-line gaming might interfere with his casino scams.

    As for Daffy Cruz, Jr., he’s even dumber than Dubya. At least Dubya kept his Dominionist ties on the down-low, before he ran for president.

    Good luck to ‘Colonel Custer’ Priebus, when the first two stumbling out of the clown car have some major Daddy issues. We haven’t heard from either of their wives, yet. Based on what we’ve seen so far, that should be fun.

    Wives, mothers, fathers and other crazy kin, place your bets now for the over and under. My 5 cents in on Babs Bush for “we don’t need another Bush in the White House.”

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    A larger investment also means greater bitterness when they lose.

    $31 million also attracts a lot of sticky fingers. I’ll bet half of that is stolen before the first primary.

  4. maryelle says:

    Oh, Ralph, that would be indescribably delicious!

  5. I can’t help thinking of the good that could be done with $31 million instead of wasting it on this horse’s patoot.

  6. $31 Million in the first week? Well, as I recall, all horse races start with a mad dash but look how many of them poop out way before the finish line. And by the time the winner’s nose is clocked, he too is just hoping not to drop dead before being lead into the infield circle for the photo op. I’ve seen this before. The primaries are ahead. Whoever makes it past that point is going to be getting a lot more scrutiny even from the big money boys who will be holding a little tighter to their wallets.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    That picture of Cruz looks like I bet he looked in junior high when his teacher wanted to smack him in the face and couldn’t and he knew it.

  8. Cruz now has enough money to pay back us taxpayers for shuting down the guvmit and gitting the bond rating lowered, all at the cost of $24 Billion.

    Maybe we should write to his sugar daddy and see if he would like to pay it.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Great idea, Esther.
