Making America Safe for Rich White People

April 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you thought the Koch Brothers bought the American political system?  Oh hell, those boys ain’t even major players.

Ted Cruz’s donors have raised $31 million in one week.

ted-cruz-really-24784_186x186Securing the backing of the Mercers is huge for Cruz: Robert Mercer alone was the fourth largest individual donor in the 2014 cycle, according to Open Secrets. Over the past six years, Mercer, the CEO of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, has poured $37 million into various political causes. A Bloomberg profile published in October called him “the man who out-Koched the Kochs.”

I cannot imagine anything sweeter than all these idiots wasting their money.  Remember Sheldon Adelson?

Th downside is that you can buy a lot of dirty tricks for $31 million.  This is gonna be messy.


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