Making America Great Again – By Destroying Jobs Next Door

November 16, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Trump

One of the most infuriating features of Cheeto Jesus’ shameful campaign was the “Make America Great Again” motto that he coined that was actually code for “Make America White Again”.  He shouted it from every podium and plastered it across the front of those weird made-in-china trucker caps that he wore on the days his combover just wasn’t working. His top two goals if he won (sigh; I can’t believe I just said that) was to destroy our healthcare system and somehow bring “jobs, jobs, jobs”.

Since the election, with few exceptions, Cheeto Jesus and his merry band of bigots have been holed up in his gold plated headquarters in New York City plotting to destroy not only our healthcare system, but also medicare, social security, aid to the poor, the environment, and, oh, yeah, peace.  His presence in the heart of screen-shot-2016-11-16-at-8-22-54-amNew York City, though, has had an immediate effect – it has choked traffic to a standstill due to security and the large anti-Cheeto demonstrations.  Up until yesterday, the City of New York had parked sand-filled snow plow trucks nose to tail around the block to keep people away.  At one point this last weekend, traffic was backed up beyond 112th St. on Fifth Avenue, which is at the top of Central Park, over 50 blocks away.

If you’re not familiar with New York City, Cheeto Tower is located smack dab in the middle of one of the highest end shopping districts and tourist attractions in Manhattan.  The tower was built on the site of the Bonwit Teller building that Cheeto demolished in 1979, along with its famous art deco bas-relief sculptures.  Cheeto had previously promised to remove and donate the sculptures to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but in true form, had them destroyed because preservation would have caused 10 days of construction delays. What a sweetheart. The tower is next door to the world famous Tiffany and is surrounded by restaurants, high end stores, and is just 2 blocks from the southeast corner of Central Park.  His presence in the building has slowed business in surrounding blocks to a trickle, simply because people can’t get there.  Tiffany has even announced that it canceled it’s holiday window spectacular “due to post-election related activity.”

The Secret Service is struggling to protect this idiot, who is now not even sure if he wants to live in the White House to serve in the job he wanted so badly.  They have now erected concrete barriers around the building and closed 56th St. to the South.  They are also supposedly meeting with the president-elect today to discuss security.

In the meantime, Cheeto Jesus is so self centered that he’s oblivious to what’s going on around him, which is destroying businesses and jobs next door, just so he can hole up in Cheeto Tower.

Welcome to life in the the era of Cheeto Jesus.

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