Makin’ Me Crazy

June 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This kind of stuff makes me crazy.

“Pushed False Story Line?”  Is that the best you got, New York Times?  He knowingly lied. Sarah Hunkybooboo knowingly lied. Trump’s lawyers knowingly lied to the public.

For nearly a year, the denials from President Trump’s lawyers and spokeswoman were unequivocal. No, the president did not dictate a misleading statement released in his son’s name.

But in a confidential, hand-delivered memo to the special counsel, Mr. Trump’s lawyers acknowledged that, yes, Mr. Trump had dictated the statement, which attempted to deflect questions about a meeting with a Kremlin-tied lawyer at Trump Tower.

Push a False Story Line sounds like a party game.  I mean, you could make a board game called that and it would sound a little silly, but fun nonetheless.  Or, it could be a cheer at a high school football game: Push The False Story Line, Tigers!  Push it waaaay back!

Hell, next thing I know my Republican neighbors will be insisting that Trump has a new exercise routine.

They did not push a false story line – They lied.

Dammit, New York Times, if you truly write by your motto – Truth: It Demands Our Attention –



Then for Pete’s sake, stop using euphemisms for LIED.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled laughs.


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0 Comments to “Makin’ Me Crazy”

  1. Another one that I am tired of is that “Trump doesn’t understand” whatever. Just say it. JUST SAY IT. Trump is stupid and doesn’t know even the bare basics to be President.

    Yet another euphemism is he changes his mind often. No, say it plain and clear. He just crashes along, bouncing off the walls, and dragging the country with him. He contradicts himself in the same paragraph because he cannot remember what he said 2 seconds ago. He is a very dumb guy.

    That Santa Fe mother said it was like talking to a toddler.

  2. The tiptoeing euphemisms are a way of trying to deny that we’ve got a lying, immature, blatantly selfish and woefully unprepared con-man bigot in charge of the federal government, and even if we get him out, there’s a RWNJ theocrat standing behind him.

    I’m sorry, did I say that out loud?

  3. Maymoon says:

    Rhea, well put. Keep saying it out loud. I still am baffled why there are no republicans saying ” this is enough”, they have no backbones or consciences.

  4. Off topic I know, no hijack intended, but also too good not to share here…

    Other backronyms for MAGA
    1. Mueller Ain’t Going Away
    2. McDonalds and Golf Again

  5. Maymoon, there are a few saying “This is enough,” but they’re all quitting Congress and don’t care what they say any more. Nobody who’s staying in has any integrity– even the ones who put up a token show of resistance, such as Lindsey Graham and Snowden of Maine, end up voting in lockstep with the rest of the GOP.

  6. Micr, I’ve also seen (possibly here)

    Major Asshat Golfing Again
    My Attorney Got Arrested

    and my personal favorite, good for any occasion these days:

    Morons Are Governing America

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    The hattrick for pulling this jack wagon out of the ruts of his own making still belongs to Kellyanne Conway with “alternative facts.” The pass of the day was rewarded by the media to Rudy G for “if he killed James Comey.” If anyone had a doubt that this thug maladministration is welded to the Roy Cohen mafia model, there are the Michael Cohen tapes available to erase that naiveté.

  8. Much of the media gives him too much credit. When he blurts something weird or stupid, again, they start talking about “a change in strategy” or a “new doctrine.” Bullscheit. It’s just random verbal diarrhea from a deranged mind in addition to outright, deliberate, intentional LIES.

  9. maryelle says:

    Some other instances of euphemistic dishonesty:
    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s headline yesterday” Manafort Reaches Out to Witnesses”. He is accused of witness tampering,
    not reaching out.

    This same paper endorsed a Republican against Democrat candidate Conor Lamb for the special election to fill hypocrite Tim Murphy’s seat because “…a Democrat would push for impeachment and cause distractions for the President.”
    He might be distracted from playing golf and watching FOX news.
