Makin’ Me Crazy
Republicans. Damn them. They sit around at night and plot ways to make me crazy. I know they do. They say, “What totally insane thing can we do today to make the ladies at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon hair curl without a perm?”
It’s putting me out of business.
Remember me telling you about Texas Governor Wannabe Greg Abbott getting hit by a tree and collecting a $10 million tort settlement and then working hard to make sure nobody else in the history of Texas gets to get that much money for being hit by tree?
Well, he just got beat. By a guy from Arkansas.
Josh Miller is in the Arkansas legislature and voted against the Medicaid expansion for his state. Okay, so he’s a jerk. But, it gets worse than jerk. He moves straight to sumbitch in 60 seconds or less.
More than a decade ago, Arkansas Rep. Josh Miller (R) was in a catastrophic car accident that broke his neck and left him paralyzed. Medicare and Medicaid paid the $1 million bill for his hospitalization and rehabilitation. But this week, as the Arkansas legislature has debated continuing its privatized Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, Miller has remained steadfast in his opposition.
And why would he be opposed to something he’s still using? I mean, why should everybody get what he gets?
The difference, he said, is that some of the 100,000 people who have gained coverage through Arkansas’s Medicaid expansion don’t work hard enough or just want access to the program so they can purchase and abuse prescription drugs.
Oh really? Well, trot your hiney over to Wikipedia and take note.
Miller is disabled and uses a wheelchair because of an accident in young adulthood which damaged his spinal cord and involved the use of alcohol. Neither Miller nor the other occupant could recall who was the driver. Miller was uninsured at the time of the accident; Medicaid paid for the majority of the $1 million in hospitalization and rehabilitation costs.
You were so drunk that you didn’t know if you were driving? You weren’t abusing drugs, though, right? And you didn’t take any prescription painkillers after the accident, right? And you’re working on paying the $1,000,000 back to the taxpayers who took care of you, right?
They make me crazy. I think it’s on purpose.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.