Major Announcement

January 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Here's the Deal

Juanita would like to announce that she’s running for office.  She will represent you well and won’t lie unless absolutely necessary.  Send her some damn money!

GOP governor’s candidate Debra Medina spent $2,437 on clothing for herself from her political donations, generally considered an ethics no-no. The state Ethics Commission has issued opinions, following the law that campaign contributions can’t be converted to personal use of a candidate. On clothing, the rule of thumb is that shoes, dresses, suits and whatnot would only be appropriate for a campaign appearance and couldn’t be converted to everyday wear.

Medina’s folks said all that was taken into consideration. She went to Dillards, Nordstroms, The Limited and a few other places to pick up clothing for her campaign stops. Campaign manager Penny Langford Freeman said the clothing items won’t be worn by Medina other than for campaign appearances. After the campaigning is over, she said they’ll be donated to charity.

Unlike Ms. Medina, Juanita will be doing her campaign shopping at HSN and local boutiques.  “The Limited?  Are you kidding me?  Nobody wants an elected official who shops at The Limited,” Juanita says.  “Plus, there’s no listing for Victoria’s Secret, proving once again that Republican women wear expensive clothes with tacky underwear.”

“I promise that as I represent you as whatever it is I’m running for, I will have great underwear,” she smiles.  “Democratic women have great underwear.  You can write that down somewhere.”

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