MAGA Grift Effects On PACs

July 14, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

There are dramas that are playing out in the backwaters of MAGAdom whose effects are still being felt by people no one has ever heard of. Big names in the MAGA Empire are scooping up all the cash resources, and that leaves little lucre for the locals.

Think of it. There is a finite amount of donor cash out there, and Republican donation recipients (aka donees) who are not first or second in line at the buffet table are going to have to squabble with each other for the table scraps.

Take, for example, the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers PAC. I know. They are not on anyone’s campaign cash watch list, and that is doubly so now.

They are broke.

They are more than broke. Last week, Alfredo at the Dairy Queen hipped me to the news that the Federal Election Commission, sent the PAC a letter asking about their nonzero ending balance on their most recent filing:

Your report discloses a negative ending cash balance of  $3,791.44. This suggests that you have overdrawn your account, made a mathematical error, or incurred a debt. If your committee has incurred a debt or obligation, please itemize this debt on Schedule D, show a zero balance on Line 8 of the Summary Page and include the amount on Line 10. Please file an amendment to your report to accurately disclose your financial activities. (52 U.S.C. §30104(b)(8) and 11 CFR § 104.3(d)).

That’s right. Broke. Busted. Insolvent. Wiped out. Poor as church mice.

In 2022, the last year they had money to give, the PAC donated $6,000 to federal campaigns: $1,000 to Texas Rep Henry Cuellar (D TX-28) and $5,000 to four Republicans. Of these four, half, or $2,500, went to August Pfluger (R TX-11). And yes, Pfluger is a lineal descendent of the founder of Pflugerville, Texas.

These people, and more, will not be receiving any campaign cash from the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers PAC this year. I guess they are going to have to look to some other goat rodeo to get their lucre.
When the MAGA Money Machine starts making sucking sounds, you know your peanuts PAC is in trouble.

0 Comments to “MAGA Grift Effects On PACs”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Isn’t most of the money going to the Orange Felon’s lawyers?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I know this isn’t apples to apples, but the FEC is concerned about an unsuperPAC that had chicken feed cash and impact yet they don’t do anything about shit the TFFG’s campaign finance violations. Oh, but they did fine HRC for her comments about trumpf and russiar.

    OT, but after all the back and forth we had the past week or so about Biden in or out, the events this past few days have made it a mute conversation. I’m starting to think instead of me calling him TFFG, we can call him the next FG.
