Lying 101

January 31, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Lying 101 is a course that teaches the ins and outs of creating a baseless fact – also known as a lie – by asking a question. In politics it is a course requirement for every Republican office holder or wannabe.

And it is a course that every Democrat fails.

To be successful, the lie MUST be a question, because questions can’t be lies, right? Detecting the lie is a no-brainer then, because the question is asked in public but no answer is proffered.

And then the unanswered question establishes a truth, and anyone that responds later with facts or figures to “answer” the question is too late.

The damage is done.

Witness Texas Senator John Cornyn’s tweeted “question” of the other day, quoting from Huffpost:

California Has More Than 100 Gun Laws. Why Don’t They Stop More Mass Shootings?”

See, California suffered two mass shootings this month, and 11 people are dead. Senator Cornyn apparently asks this rhetorical question at their expense so his voters are pleased with him by “owning the libs,” and his gun lobby patrons will reward him with more campaign cash.

Only afterward did California Governor Newsom tweet a response to Cornyn’s tweet:

“Texas’ gun death rate is 67% higher than California’s.”

Yep. Truth.

But a truth told 2nd is always trumped by a lie told first. Ask any school teacher (I was one once). Any teacher will tell you that the first thing a person hears about something is the thing the person remembers and believes to be true, and it is an uphill battle to dissuade them from it with supporting facts.

It’s a trap that Democrats keep falling into, much to the glee of ultra-conservatives and Trumpists.

Democrats need non-comeback comebacks. Ones that are humorous, folksy, and cover a wide array of issues.

And I hate to say it, but Ronald Wilson Reagan had the best one I’ve ever heard: “There you go again”.

See? No muss. No fuss. No data. No supporting information. Just good fun.

I wish I could come up with something original and witty, but I don’t do either any justice at all.

Any suggestions would be helpful

0 Comments to “Lying 101”

  1. State it as a question: “Why is Texas’ gun death rate 67% higher than California’s?”

  2. Teh Gerg @ 1,

    If you’re asking a TX politician, expect them to lie along with almost all of the GOP.

    FL will be right there with TX soon. DeSantis wants no gun registration and everyone can free carry anywhere. I expect that AZ will follow. Yikes.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    How about: “Tell it to the Uvalde School Cops.”

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The “gun lobby patrons”- would that be the gun killings fan club associated with the NRA? Sell more guns and get more contributions. Unfortunately for us, the cult that has overtaken the repugnantican party is so easily duped by lies that they don’t even know it. They’ve been trumped.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Half Empty – I always liked Ann Richards’ “He was born with a silver foot in his mouth”, though that’s not exactly what you’re looking for.

    You could always use former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes’ line…”I’d answer that, but I refuse to get into a Battle of Wits with an unarmed man.”

  6. van heldorf says:

    “What!? And end up like Texas?”

  7. @Opinionated Hussy: I’ve lived all but two years of my life in Georgia, and Roy Barnes is the governor I despised the most.

  8. Easy to solve this problem IF YOU are INTELLIGENT … ANYTHING a rePUKEian says is a flat out evil lie!!! PERIOD!!!
    Anything a politician says is questionable!
    So the 1st statement from Cornyn is a flat out lie! If not then show me your evidence!! Most rePUKEians are stalled at this point.

  9. Thanks! It’s also something like ‘framing’.
    Example .. If you say my ‘good’ friend Paul, people will immediately like Paul.
    If you say my ‘horrible’ friend Paul, people will immediately dislike Paul.
    Simple and effective.
    Again, oldie but goodie …

    George Lakoff,
    “Framing the issues: UC Berkeley professor George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics”

    Also Republicans have many other ways to ‘insinuate’ a lie. and it’s probably taught in Propaganda class 101. I see it every day on the TV. So subtle you don’t even know it.

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You can pass all the gun laws you want but it won’t do any good as long as you share a country with states like Texas, where guns are practically given away in boxes of cereal.

    …I would say if I were Gavin Newsom.

  11. Call out every Republican lie. Never let a lie go unchallenged. Ask for evidence. Claims and anecdotes are not evidence.

  12. Oh, Almost forgot. Half Empty the best comeback I ever heard was from Democrat Debra Bowen running for Ca. Sec. of State against Republican Bruce McPherson. Years ago they were debating Diebold voting machines that were professionally proven to be easily hackable.
    When McPherson outright lied and said they were very dependable and not hackable , Bowen said the following ultimate takedown, “Bruce, How could you LIE to me??? I thought we were friends??? KaaPowwww!!! damn, she played the mother card lol,”How could you do that to your mother?”

    Side note: Bowen won Sec. of State and implemented secure, fair and reliable voting machines with paper trail and guess what? California has been Democratic ever since!
    If all elections were fair there wouldn’t be any Republicans left.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    According to the recent Secret Service study of mass murders, 96% were committed by me. Tell me Senator, why do we still allow men to have guns?

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Oregon passed some progressive common sense gun measures this past election Of course the gun lobby from out of state and red counties including law “enforcement” have pushed back and filed lawsuits. A judge from one of those red counties ruled that the measure be halted, thus it is not being enacted (for now?). Let’s try to guess the political leaning of this judge. And by the way, this particular county has the highest per capita rate of gun related deaths in Oregon. This is part of the state that wants to become part of ideeho, or the Texas of the NW.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Actually, there is some hope, Half Empty. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) took the Qcumber Caucus culture wahoos to task with a zinger: Mar-A-Lago prison line.

    Full context: “I’m trying to figure out, why wasn’t Putin included on this list?” McGovern asked. “Did somebody get a call from the Mar-A-Lago prison line that you couldn’t put Putin on this list? I mean, I don’t quite get it.”

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    BTW Half Empty, the title of your article is pitch perfect. Lying 101. Two notable students of Mort Blackwell, Moscow Mitch and the former Vice Poodle Pence took careful notes in that particular class. Check it out. Seriously. Morton C. Blackwell. He currently serves as Virginia’s national committeeman on the Republican National Committee. And no joke he runs a school for conservatives:

  17. Thanks Jane & PKM @16 , first I heard of him!
    Seems like ol Mortem ranks right up there with other known notorious Conservative political hitmen, Lee Atwater, KKKarl Rove and Roger Stone. And his wingnut propaganda Institute is probably more fallout inspired by the Powell Memo. They’ve invested tons of money $$$ on destroying Liberalism.

  18. Sam in Mellen says:

    “Eric and Don Jr aren’t even that stoopid.”

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    lex @17, you’re most welcome! Have been on a mini mission to spread the word about old Mort. Basically, begging bloggers with better research and writing skills than mine and the time to do deep dive articles to expose that rancid ‘institute’ Mort runs.

    Ms. JuanitaJean Herownself are your ears up? Alfredo? Any chance of WMDBS extraordinaire contributors ready to tackle the challenge? Seriously. Google Mort cartoons. There is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why this POS behind the worst politicians evuh has not been pilloried by cartoons is beyond me. Lordy. One would think Mort and his favorite sock puppet Ronna McDaniels don’t call me a Romney would make for a toon or two.

    Sam in Mellen @18 rofl “Eric and Don Jr aren’t even that stoopid.” Is that a challenge to the Drumpf bois to do ‘better’? Or as their stepmother Messy would say: “be best.”

  20. I think Sam Mellin is real close.
    How about, “Oh, have you been talking to Don Jr. again?”
