Lubbock, Sweet Lubbock

October 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lubbock, Texas, is 250 miles from nowhere.  It’s at the crossroads of Hell and Hole Streets.

Being out there all isolated does strange things to people.  Remember this guy?

Lubbock Judge Tom Head told local news station Fox 34 that, if President Obama were to be re-elected, “civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe” would likely follow.

“And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy,” Head said.

“Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ‘em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say ‘you’re not coming in here,’” he said.

Well, it looks like he’s getting a leg up on getting this started.

In Texas, County Judges like Judge Head aren’t real judges.  Hell, the one we have in my county has a legitimate high school diploma but no actual degree beyond that.  For the most part, County Judges in Texas are the town drunk or, as in the case of Lubbock, the most ignorant redneck you can find.  I think a law was passed in 1999 that holds the same standard for Governor.

But I’ll say one thing for county judges – they sure know how to deface a sign.

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0 Comments to “Lubbock, Sweet Lubbock”

  1. Bumblebee says:

    And how has the Secret Service addressed the judge’s threats? That’s how it comes across to this Democrat.

  2. Wyatt_Earl says:

    We should have a day when everybvody has a say, yes or no, on whether Obama is in charge. We could call it election day. And following the outcome, the losers could just be told America: love it or leave it.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I expected the same response from the citizens of Waco, but I am still using the same sign I used in 2008. “TEXAS for OBAMA!” Apparently, the further down the Brazos you get, the less insanity you find. But that’s just a theory.

  4. The picture is all over the web.
    I hope they get the people who did it.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Ralph, think about it! College Station and A&M are further down the Brazos than you folks in Waco. College Station is Lubbock with water and trees, unless the trees were all burned in aggie bonfires.

    Will the Lubbock Liberal, there has got to be at least one, please report in with the latest on Judge Head? Also, do you suppose that if I spent time “birding” in Lubbock I could add some unusual bird sightings to my life list? The Lubbock Loon, perhaps, or the High Plains Right Tern Only, a bird that flies in such tight circles, always to the right, that its head is permanently shoved up its backside?

  6. Game-cams or other security cameras. If you put up a sign in a place where you know it’ll be vandalized, figure out a way to booby-trap it with evidence-collecting electronics, so there’s a way to prove a) who did it and b) make their assholery public.

    (Speaking of which, I need to go check our signs out on the land again.)

  7. Actually, Lubbock is only 100 miles from nowhere (Amarillo).

  8. aggieland liz says:

    We have had signs stolen here but none of THAT BS! And besides Uncke Dave, haven’t you heard? The Ags have a football coach who is a person of color, so we are all behaving very decorously here (he’s been winning, you see!)!!
    All facetiousness aside, there are more Obama Biden signs than I expected to see, and fewer RR signs. More for local races than natl ones! No reports of vandalization yet.

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Ted, I-27 is the only interstate with a dead end on both ends.

  10. I wrote yesterday, that there are some decent people in Lubbock, and I know them both.

    I sent and e-mail to one of them, and advised him……. you really don’t want to upset Juanita Jean. He suggested I contact the local paper, which I did this morning, with links to both columns, the one from yesterday, and the one from today. I mentioned to this person, that this non-blog is read by people all over this country, and just asked the question: “Is this the information you want people to have about Lubbock,Texas…… or as the local newspaper, do you think you might just (a little bit) lean on local law enforcement, or whomever can do something about this kind of despicable situation?”

    JJ…… Keep on keeping on.

  11. The following was posted by Kenny Ketner on the Lubbock Democrats FB group page:

    Fellow Democrats,

    Here is a brief update on the sign situation in Lubbock.

    In response to the vandalism of Sunday morning (part of a month of constant vandalism and theft), we placed three large “Lubbock Supports Obama 2012” signs and numerous small Obama yard signs on the property at 26th and University.

    The following occurred at about 2:00am 10/24/2012.

    Our volunteer keeping an eye on the 26th and University property left briefly, and, sure enough, someone stole all the small Obama yard signs before he came back. But, the vandals had not gotten to the big ones yet. So, our volunteer sent his friend away in his car while he remained nearby with a camera. As expected, the vandals returned and started cutting up our three large “Lubbock Supports Obama 2012” signs on the lot. Our volunteer got it all on video, but was jumped by the four vandals and took a punch to the face. All of this is on video. Our volunteer called 911 during all of this, and a nearby officer responded and arrested the vandals. The Lubbock police have the video camera’s memory card as evidence, as well as statements from the volunteer, his friend, and me. At the minimum, the vandals will be charged with criminal mischief for the three signs (our cost is about $50 each on those). I am extremely relieved and thankful that the LPD responded so quickly.

    I left the torn remnants of the large signs on the property and will replace them later today.

    I hope that this morning’s arrests bring justice to the perpetrators. I hope, too, that this morning’s unfortunate incident ends the ridiculous notion that we vandalize our own signs, a lie advanced by Lubbock County Republican Chair Carl Tepper and former Lubbock County Republican Chair Robert Pratt.

    Let’s work together as a community to put an end to sign theft and vandalism.

  12. I KNEW there was a reason I quit dating that guy from Lubbock right out of high school…and I lived in Ohio at the time!

  13. aggieland liz says:

    Wow! Hope that guy is ok and files simple assault charges? Who did those jerks think they were, congressmen?

  14. Besides the obvious ugliness and criminality of the vandalism– and I hope those scum get the most severe penalty possible– what is it with people who think that Obama is going to destroy the world in his second term? All of their apocalyptic predictions failed to come true in his first four years, but they still think that he’s going to rip off his mask and reveal himself as Satan Incarnate the moment he gets elected AGAIN. Why the frack didn’t he do it already, not knowing if he would get a second chance? I wonder what they’ll do with themselves if he leaves the White House after eight years and the world is still spinning on its axis. How do they manage day to day life when they’re that out of touch with reality?

  15. Umm. Did Lubbock just not notice when Obama was elected the first time?
