Lowering the Bar

April 26, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like every other true blue American, Juanita is perturbed about Arizona being a very mean state.

“I am of half a mind to go to Arizona, get myself arrested and plead ‘No hablo Ingles.’  Lets fill those jails with white wimmen who are hacked off!” she suggests.

“Here my deal:  Yes, this is racial profiling, but it’s more than that.  It’s an excuse to violate the 4th Amendment to the Constitution” she explains.

“Right now, for the police to stop and search you, they have to have ‘probable cause.’  Under this new stinkin’ law in Arizona, if you look illegal, the standard to stop and search you is now ‘reasonable suspicion,’ which is a lower standard than probable cause.  So, anybody who looks illegal is denied their 4th Amendment.”

“Poor John McCain, whose judgment no one should trust after that whole Sarah Palin thingy, says that this is a national security issue.  He’s got a screw loose in his thinker assembly, Babe, because you don’t need to sneak into this country from Mexico to be a terrorist.  Heck, you can get a student visa at a flight school.”

“Besides, look at Arizona over there.  Hell, it all looks weird to me.  And vaguely phallic.”

Y’all behave in the comment section, ya hear?  Momma’s here and she can still catch you with a bar of soap.

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