Lowering Expectations?

September 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney is trying to lower expectations for the debate this Wednesday night.

Oddly, his campaign did not say that Mitt Romney is a shell of a man with little emotion, no empathy, zero compassion, a deep love of money, higher than normal self indulgence tendencies, and he’s also prone to saying goofy things.

Instead, they painted President Obama as the Greek god of debate because he’s done it eight times.  Okay, but isn’t that saying experience makes you better at things so we should vote for Obama?

I suspect they are not counting Mitt’s debates with the seven Republican dwarfs as actual debating.  That was the professional wrestling version of debating.

On the other hand, people who want to see Romney lose so they can run in 4 years, like maybe Chris Christie, say that Romney is Clarence Darrow and will humiliate Obama in the debates.  They also told us that Romney has some secret Zingers! that he’s been memorizing and practicing since August.  Written, not surprisingly, by Clint Eastwood.

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