Love Ya, Trey Gowdy!

October 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trey Gowdy did the Democrats a major favor, not only giving Hillary Clinton one free 11 hour commercial, but also by showing what ignorant thugs Republicans are.

I suspect that’s the “new thing” he learned during Hillary’s testimony.

Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 11.06.50 AMDuring an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd asked Gowdy about his comment last week on Fox News that a private interview with Clinton may have gone better.

“It was a voluntary interview, and she wanted it to be in public. I wrote a letter several months ago giving her an option. And she chose public. And that’s well within her right,” Gowdy said in response.

Of course she wanted it in public, you damn fool. In private, you would have waterboarded her, slapped her around a little, and had a naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling. You would have slapped her silly and then told God and the news media that she fell down. Nobody wants to do anything in private with you, Trey.

Honey, she kicked your butt so hard that you can taste sensible shoes leather in your mouth. That needs to be public.

Ya know, being a beautician I have a real hard time not snorting coffee out of my nose every time he gets a new hairdo.  Personally, I think that’s the real thing she wanted seen in public.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Love Ya, Trey Gowdy!”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    In private you don’t see committee members arguing,but you do get a one sided wingnut take on what was said. What America was shown was a total cluster by wingnuts who should not be in power anywhere. Incompetence, thy name is wingnut.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Freedumb: being free to think everyone is as dumb as they are. Trey you fool, how could you miss the feathers around HRC’s mouth when she said, “yes please, make the hearing public.”

    Eleven hours later and Secretary Clinton had a dinner party with friends. She was obviously energized by doing battle with those half wits.

    Being polite, she really should send them a thank you note for the 11 hour campaign infomercial material. And an individual thank you to Martha Roby from the humor challenged Alabama district. Martha, you Republicons are so funny, especially when you miss the punchline of your own joke. Priceless!

  3. Zippy the Pinhead with hair.. and bad hair at that!

  4. Sister Artemis says:

    My first glance at the picture of Mr Gowdy heading this post had me wondering whether someone had photoshopped his forehead just a little to make his face more egg-shaped. Nope, that’s just how God built his little brain-container.

    Out of the images in JJ’s link to Gowdy’s changing coif, this has to be my favorite:

  5. “It was a voluntary interview.”

    Trey chose to hold the “interview.”
    Hillary chose to be “interviewed” in public.

    Who make the best decision?

  6. mrswiggins says:

    In addition to the hair on his head, Trey has some hairs growing under his nostrils, I think. It’s a little boy mustache.

  7. austinhatlady says:

    @Sister Artemis
    I had same reaction! And there was another pix of an older Draco Malloy in that collection.

  8. Indeed. Trey just handed Hillary the keys to the kingdom. Now can voters hand Trey the keys to his home, and send him back there?

  9. As to Gowdy’s hair, Boehner’s budget compromise today must have it standing straight up … without benefit of the usual butch wax.

  10. With apologies to Draco for the comparison.

    I don’t think “bullethead” is Trey Gowdy’s best look.

  11. I don’t know Trey personally, but from his sound bytes I gather he has the IQ of a cool, north-facing bedroom.

  12. coprolite says:

    in regards to Mr. Gowdy’s hair, I suspect he doesn’t tip his barber or stylist very well.

  13. After spewing those protestations of “non-political” motivation, the repugs proceeded to ask accusative questions attempting to make it seem that Hillary set up the attack, refused any military support and was solely responsible for the whole tragedy. Gowdy and his cohorts are the only ones responsible for making themselves look like fools. Time for that committee to crawl back under the rocks they regularly inhabit. Enough time and money wasted.

  14. Kate oDubhagain says:

    A very dissolute Draco Malfoy, Austin Hat Lady.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Just for yuks, let’s go with the R’s “reasoning” here. Benghazi was a “conspiracy”. Fine. Now do me a favor and explain what this “conspiracy” was going to accomplish. What was the point? Hmmm? Anyone?

    Crickets. As I suspected.

  16. fran seyer says:

    Howdy Gowdy……..what a fool.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, it was a conspiracy. The plan was to make Republicons hold hearings and appear st00pid. Mission accomplished.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: God, we liberals are good! Yes sir! Mission accomplished! (So then it’s our fault all this money’s being wasted?)

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, since they achieved our goal of making themselves look st00pid with the first hearing, all subsequent hearing should be on their tab.

    For instance, Cecile Richards totally powned that little punter from Bang ’em Young U, Chaffetz, so the newly appointed committee to investigate the manufactured outrage should also be on their nickel.

  20. I will forever see Goony Gowdy in the hearing, slimy, sweaty, exceedingly pale and google-eyed. Draco looks much better and and is very much better behaved.

    Game, set, match to Hilary, followed by Draco. Goony Gowdy is lost in the dust, which is sticking to his sweaty face making him -eeeek- Dark!

  21. two crows says:

    Well, OF COURSE she didn’t want it done privately. Can anyone say, “Selective, misleading leaks?” Can anyone say, “Downright lies?”

    As for me, I was amazed at her facial expressions – and words. Not one time did she let rage cross her face or her tongue. I wouldn’t have been nearly so disciplined. But, after 11 hours, not one outburst. “as women are supposed to do, don’tcha know,” to hang an attack ad on.

    Eleven hours of non-stop air-time for a presidential campaign – – Christmas came early for the Clinton camp. When the subpoena or “invitation” – or whatever the hell it was – came there must have been dancing on the desks at the HRC headquarters.

    The Tea Party folks pride themselves on being “not politicians.” And that’s the point, isn’t it? Politicians know how to avoid/defang malicious attacks. “Not politicians” don’t even know how to mount them.

    Trey Gowdy, HRC thanks you from the bottom of her heart. Now go whine about it to anyone who will listen.

  22. detroitsam says:

    These are some of the funniest comments ever.

  23. About the second time I saw a picture of Gowdy in profile I wanted to hand him a live chicken and ask him to bite its head off. The guy needs carnival to take him in.

  24. Bruce Smith says:

    He’s looking like Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham…

  25. Poor Trey can’t help the gene pool from which he sprung but… Damn son, on your salary can’t you find a better hairdresser?

  26. Elizabeth Moon says:

    That’s a hairdo? I thought it was a hairdon’t, one of Trump’s castoff rugs that he didn’t realize would sit oddly on a head about as wide as a ruler.

  27. okie-dokie says:

    Gowdy obviously gets his hair cuts at a barber’s college. Normally they do an OK job but his was done by a student who was practicing with sharp instruments.

  28. “Zippy the Pinhead with hair.. and bad hair at that!”

    brother Brian, I do believe you have nailed it. haven’t seen those comics in years, but gowdy has to be his long lost, dumber brother.

  29. It’s not just the cut, it’s the color. Trey, honey, you can’t just add a cup of peroxide to the rinse water and call it good.

  30. But as I stated before, the outside of Gowdy’s head is nowhere near as disturbing as the godawful mess INSIDE.
