Love Me Some Tea Party People

March 30, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We’re having a school board race in my little community and the Tea party is financing candidates they hand picked.

We have a pretty diverse school board and the same superintendent since 2001.   Dr. Thomas Randle has done an amazing job with minority schools and is popular with both teachers and parents.  He’s African American.

Out of 7 school board members, only two are white men and one of them is retiring this year from District 6 and is supporting a highly qualified Latina.

Enter the Tea Party.  One of their candidates, Beth Horstman, is running for District 2.  Today we got a Vote By Mail application from her because, dammit, get off my damn lawn you stinkin’ kids.  Old people are grumpy and vote against everything.

It was a dandy nice mailer and these things aren’t cheap.

Nice, huh?

Only problem is that we live in District 6.   There’s like two district between her and me.

And she wants us to trust her with planning and money?

Just sayin’.  Maybe not so much.

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