Louie Unglugged

January 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So here’s the deal. You probably didn’t hear about this. I didn’t, and I only know about it because someone else named Susan gave me a heads up.

This story comes to us from a newspaper in the Czech Republic.

Five US Congressmen representing the Republican Party have requested a meeting in Prague with Tomio Okamura,  the leader of an extreme right wing party, the Movement of Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD)

These US Congressmen have chosen to meet with Tomio Okamura, who is well known for calling for the banning of Islam and ‘external manifestations of Islam.’ The SPD’s parliamentary party secretary has called for the gassing of Jews, gays and Roma.

According to Okamura’s press release, “they will discuss topics of bi-lateral and global importance, including European policy which concerns demographic changes, migration and immigration”.

So, they are meeting with a certified lifetime guaranteed Nazi to discuss demographic changes, migration, and immigration. Now, what red-blooded American would meet with this guy?

Okay, I’m pretty certain you can guess at least three out of five of the congressmen who were scheduled to attend, but here is a list in case you get stuck.

Steve King (R-IA)
Andy Harris (R-MD)
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)
Paul Gosar  (R-AZ)

The meeting got cancelled because of “ongoing budgetary problems in the US Congress.”  Thank God.

I have an idea if it gets rescheduled.  Let’s start a Go Fund Me Account to bribe Okamura to keep these five guys and open a hamburger joint.

Thanks to the other Susan for the heads up.

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