Louie Needs Stuff, Y’all

April 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

East Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert is fixing to mess with Texas.

Remember how Louie signed a Republican pledge that he wouldn’t vote for any earmarks?  Well, he didn’t know that somebody was serous about that.

Now he’s looking for a “But I Didn’t Mean ME” clause in the pledge.  House Republicans had a secret meeting.  And somebody squealed.  Congressvarmint Mike Rogers of Aladamnbama said he suggested bringing back earmarks to attached to bills to get Republican votes in a gridlocked House.  What he means is that he can get Republicans to vote for bill if they attach a rider to the bill giving something real special to that congressman’s district.  You know, like a bridge to nowhere or a East Texas Chicken Factory Museum.

Rogers’ remarks in the closed caucus meeting in early March were echoed by two other Republican lawmakers, Representatives Louie Gohmert and Kay Granger, according to some at the meeting.

House Speaker John Boehner, who pushed for the earmark ban, is considering forming a committee to study earmarks reforms, according to Rogers. Other sources also said that during the closed meeting, the speaker said he would consider reforms, and other leading Republicans did not shoot down the idea.

Kay Granger is also from Texas.

I’m suspecting that we need to check if their fingers are crossed the next time they make promises.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.

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