Louie! It’s You!

May 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Louie Gohmert is in Iowa.

gohmert1Speaking at a rally in Iowa for Republican Senate candidate Sam Clovis on Friday, Gohmert recalled that he had initially been blamed after Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) had shouted “You lie!” during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address in 2009.

“Somebody yells ‘You lie!’ and the camera goes on me!” he told the crowd, adding that he “knew” the president wasn’t telling the truth about an immigration bill.

Louie, Honey, any time somebody does something crazy, everybody looks at you.  It’s just our knee-jerk reaction.

And it’s because of crapola like this.  While speaking to the crowd, you said about the Constitution of the United Damn States of America, “It only is fit for people who cling to their God and their guns, you know?”

No, I don’t know that.

I swear by all that is holy that I do not know that.

I never even got drunk and believed that.

Hell, Louie, you’re the craziest damfool on earth.  Own it.  Be proud of it.

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0 Comments to “Louie! It’s You!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Well hello, Loopy Louie! Sam Clovis must be one of those desperate Kochroach candidates. When the King of the Cra Cra Crazies is out stumping, we can count on him to plant the mark of a tool on whoever invited him.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Well, al Qaida folks cling to their God and their guns… is Louie saying that the US Constitution is only fit for al Qaida?

    Oh, that’s right, Louie thinks al Qaida’s problem is not their behavior, but their religion. Backwards, but that’s Louie.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Clinging to guns is absolutely perverse. No doubt about it. And for those with Freudian points of view, it is a clear sign that you don’t want to shake hands with those guys. You don’t know whose gun they have been clinging to.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Well, at least Louie has on a nice yellow shirt. I really like that shirt, Louie. I hope his audience is keeping up with his usual comments, you know, the ones he made before he got to Iowa. When i think of Iowa, I think of doctoral students at the Univ. of Iowa. How’d he end up there?

  5. maggie says:

    Oh, my. I visited Iowa many decades ago and enjoyed their home-made “Methodist” wine and fine family style home cooked dinners served to the public on Sunday afternoons by farm families hoping t make a few bucks more in order to pay down the balance on the combine. Nice bucolic rural area. The fact that they keep getting pelted with loose screws like Louie-louie makes me feel sorry for them! And wonder why they haven’t thought of a way to keep all the random macadamias out of the state. Heck, if anyone can make wine like they can . . .

  6. Wow, I just scrolled down the different topics to make sure I haven’t missed any, and I can’t believe the lineup of Republican dork pictures you have on this page. Makes lesbian sluttiness/whoredom look really tempting.

  7. The cameraman at the 2009 State of the Union address made a pretty good guess though , you know?

  8. SteveTheReturned says:

    I’m looking at a box of Kleenex on my desk right now that has more intellect and class than Louie Gohmert. What a humiliation to have him holding a national political office.

  9. Louie heard that Iowa was a good place for an idiot out wandering around.

  10. montag says:

    Louie The Louse is piling up all the gohmerts he can so the people of East Texas will raise a statue or something to him when he is – finally – gone.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    montag, a more fitting ‘send off’ for Loopy Louie would be for the ladies of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. to have a final whack at him. After they give him a loving make-over, he can be enthroned on a load of his own gohmerts, or buried depending on Thelma’s mood.

    If Thelma entertains requests, I would ask that she do something real special with the C-SPAN mic that broadcast the King of cra cra Crazy. Down his _, up his _ or something special in a piercing. We’ll leave the details to Thelma’s fine judgement.

  12. “It only is fit for people who cling to their God and their guns, you know?”

    I have to credit Louie for being at the forefront of GOP talking points and what passes for thinking. Does this remind anyone of the Alabama judge who says that first amendment rights are for Christians only?

    Can’t wait for the GOP or Louie to combine the love of guns with Christianity by insisting the DOD investigate refining the Puckle gun variations (e.g., square bullets for non-Christians and round bullets for Christians). Patent states that the design was to convince the enemy of “the superiority of Christian civilization”.

  13. Angelo_Frank says:


  14. aggieland liz says:

    Um, yeah, Mel that was my thought, it’s not even original; he just gussied it up with firearms for fun, and probably profit.

  15. Rubymay says:

    Ditto Angelo Frank. It’s just the same old crap from the same old idiots. Dear God, I wish they’d run down!

  16. maggie says:

    Just saw the President on the tv. Got reminded of something he said a few years ago and it got panned big time. Something about insecure people needing to cling to their guns . . . Boy! Did he nail it!

  17. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Is there a Democrat running against this fool for the Congressional seat? If not, then we really don’t have a choice but to simply be embarrassed . . .

  18. There’s not a day that goes by when you don’t make me roll in laughter. You’re a real bright spot in my day and I sure do appreciate the smiles you bring.
