Louie, It’s Physics, Honey

June 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know.  I know.  Don’t punch down.  I’ve already been in trouble once this week for making silly about losers, but y’all, it’s Louie Gohmert:  My All Time Favorite Loser.

Louie Gohmert

East Texas Congressvarmint and and soon to be unemployed loudmouth idiot (but those jobs are in great demand in East Texas so don’t feel too bad for him) has his own opinion about Commerce Secretary John Bryson wreck this weekend.  Louie says it could not have possible have been a seizure.

“It’s really unusual to have a seizure cause you to have one wreck, and then cause you to put your car in gear and keep going until you have another wreck,” Gohmert, R-Tyler, said on American Family Radio. President Barack Obama’s appointed officials “are not the kind of people that you want heading up the country. They’re not honorable, honest people,” he said.

Louie, there’s some new fangled thing out there called auto-ma-tic trans-mission.   These fancy new cars don’t have a clutch.  Amazing, huh?   Think bumper cars, Louie, with one car’s gas pedal strapped to the floor.  If you’re having a seizure, putting on the brake is not your first reaction.  Hell, Louie, look at yourself. Darlin’, you can’t even put the brake on your pie hole.

There’s also this physics thing that goes, “An object in motion tends to stay in ….” oh what the hell am I saying?  You don’t even believe in gravity.  You think Jesus grabs us all by the feet to hold us on the ground.

Here’s Louie’s best line about the situation.

“That’s who’s in charge of keeping businesses going: a guy who crashes his car from car to car,” Gohmert said.

No, Honey, you’re thinking of the man who crashes jobs.  That would be John Boehner.

Thanks to Mary and Brian for the heads-up.

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