Louie is Enlisting!

July 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Loopy Louie Gohmert has a solution to the humanitarian crisis on the border:  shoot them.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) linked the thousands of Central American immigrants to both Mexican revolutionaries and terrorists during an interview with radio host Dan Maduri, and argued that President Barack Obama should use military force to keep them out of the U.S.

Louie served 4 years in the Army JAG corps and now he thinks it’s time to go Rambo on little children.

Then Louie goes into a completely wrong, wrong, wrong story about General Pershing and Poncho Villa in 1916.  Of course, Gohmert thinks we’re still living in 1916.  And he forgets that Villa won.

But, the best part is that Gohmert says the real problem is all the terrorists coming across the border.  That is so not true.

According to a recent Department of Homeland Security study, there are relatively few crossings of the Mexican border by individuals from countries other than Mexico and Latin America. The Canadian border (which is 2,000 miles longer and largely unpatrolled) is considered more vulnerable to terrorist crossings followed by the threat from people who come into the US on airplanes using valid visas or forged papers.

Also missing is the small detail that Gohmert supported The William Wilberforce Act, the act that Gohmert now wants to impeach the President for enforcing.

Meanwhile, both Galveston and League City have banned undocumented immigrant children from entering their city.  I have no idea if the children will be shot on sight or be given some measure of due process.  I don’t think the city councils have thought that through either.

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