Louie Gohmert Rude and Haughty? Noooooooo, Not Louie.

March 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas congressmunchkin and Super DeLux Brand Chrisitan Louie Gohmert got mouthy with the United States of Damn America Park Police.  He pulled rank and sassed an officer of the law.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on March 13, officers wrote Rep. Louie Gohmert a citation for parking his black Ford SUV in a spot reserved for National Park Service vehicles, according to a Park Police report obtained by POLITICO.

But Gohmert wasn’t having it: He told the Park Police that his congressional parking placard allows him to park in that spot, and he’s on the committee that oversees the agency.

Gohmert took the ticket off his windshield and placed it on a police car along with his business card with a written message: “Oversight of Park Service is my job! Natural Resources Thus the Congressional Plate in window.”

He was “rude and irate,” one officer reported. Another wrote that Gohmert was “ranting.”

Now, I gotta defend Louie here.  Ranting is his usual tone of voice.  He rants, “Good morning,” and he rants “was it good for you?”  Louie is a first class ranter.

Remember when Tom DeLay declared to a waiter asking him not to smoke his cigar in a restaurant because the federal government had a law against it and Tom replied, “I am the federal government.”   That makes Louie a national park.  Can we plant a tree on his head because it ain’t doin’ much else?

When your congressman acts in a manner that you swat your fifteen year old for doing, then it’s time that public servant comes home.   With his tail between his legs.  He’s become a little too big for his britches.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie Gohmert Rude and Haughty? Noooooooo, Not Louie.”

  1. He may have really screwed up this time. Let’s refer this to the Ethics Committee, shall we?

  2. If it doesn’t get paid, put out a warrant for his arrest.

  3. You must have forgotten. IOKIYAAR.

  4. Do you think Loopy Louie has Short Man Complex? As a person formerly married to a short man, I can attest it’s a problem and makes them really whacko and belligerent.

  5. barbinbastrop says:

    He parked 23 blcoks from the Hill to go to a meeting on the Hill. And was ticketed at 11pm. Those late night constituent meetings are really important. Glad he is working and putting in late hours for his district.

  6. His spokesperson even admitted that it wasn’t official business, as she said he was taking family on a trip to the Lincoln monument.

  7. daChipster says:

    Louis has oversight over National Parks? Smokey, we’re doomed!

  8. “Was it good for you?” brought up a mental picture that I could have lived without, JJ!

  9. He’s already full of manure so that tree you plant on his head should grow just fine.

  10. @glf,
    Not so sure about that: the head is already solid wood, isn’t it?

  11. “Rude, irate and ranting”… just about sums up the Republican party.

  12. Maybe Louie was showing us how a Big Federal Government, one that takes power (and parking spots) from the local officials is a bad thing?

  13. Reading the comments I see a common thread from the right that “Dems” are lying, hypocritical, etc. Now, I’m sure there are lots of unpleasant people of any persuasion, but I don’t recall any Democrat telling lies and all the other stuff. Can someone tell me if there’s any truth to these accusations? I’m really serious here. I see the Repubs’ lies, but I don’t see “my” side doing the same. I’m not trying to be balanced, just want to know if I’m wearing blinders. Really. Help?

  14. Oh for effs sake!
    When is some concerned family member gonna send Louis
    to a soft room for a rest?

  15. Taking his family to the Lincoln Monument at 11:00 pm. Really? Reminds me of the SNL skit of the 2 Czech brothers, those wild and crazy guys, looking for some “foxes”. There was the time they were waiting for 2 models who they’d met, but the girls first had to go to the Statue of Liberty to buy contraceptives. Maybe Louie was looking for foxes in the park. BarbinDC, are there foxes on the National Mall, or surrounding park lands?

  16. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Kind of an over reaction. It makes you wonder just WHO Louie was waiting for, no?

  17. @Myrna, when they broke ground for the Smithsonian’s museum of Asian art on the Mall some years back, they disturbed a red fox den. Or is that not the kind of fox you meant?

    Yeah, if Louie is overseeing the National Park Service, we’re in trouble. Though considering some of the ignorant yahoos on the House Science committee, it’s hard to see how much worse it could get.

  18. “…he rants “was it good for you?””

    I assume this means he is talking to himself.

  19. The Lincoln Memorial is beautiful at night, but it’s pretty chilly this time of year for late night viewing.

    If you pay foxes of either gender enough, they’ll even accept the [not brief enough] company of guys like screwy Louie.

    Doesn’t he get his own parking space up on the Hill?

  20. Unfortunately, for all of us, Looney Louie and Damaged DeLay are not funny like the Czech brothers on SNL – they are looking for “foxes” but not the right kind.

    Throw them in a cell together – and charge admission~

  21. Jan – both sides lie and cheat and are often the backside of a horse. The difference I’ve noticed is Dems get called on their behavior, are made to pay in one form or another and often lose their job. GOP on the other hand does the non-apology (IF you were offended…) or they ignore it — does the name David Vitter tell you anything about consequences or lack thereof?

  22. Umptydump says:

    Reportedly, this incident occurred following dinner with Gohmert’s stepsister and her husband, when he decided to drive them for the look at the Lincoln Memorial at 11p.m. and then parked in a sport reserved for National Park Service official vehicles. Also according to the Politico story, “Washington law says members of Congress may park their cars ‘in any available curb space in the District of Columbia’ when it is being used ‘on official business’ and displaying the congressional registration tag issued by the member’s home state. Members may not block loading zones, fire hydrants or rush hour zones.”

    The question then becomes whether Gohmert’s sightseeing excursion for family members qualifies as “official business.” No doubt it would if the tour was incidental to such serious discussion primarily focused on government policy toward providing care toward Gohmert’s less-fortunate or needy constituents, or perhaps it can even be stretched to the issue of whether Texas should secede.

    In an age when even Pope Francis decides that he will continue to stay in less fancy digs than the Vatican Papal Apartment, Congressman Gohmert may wish to reevaluate his attitude toward abusing his official privileges while displaying his arrogance. If the savior that Gohmert purports to follow has declared that the meek shall inherit the earth, Louie appears to be out of luck.

    Do we have to wait until next week for Louie’s latest blunder, or will he amaze and delight his attentive audience with yet one more caper before Good Friday?

  23. BarbinDC says:

    Myrna: There are foxes in Rock Creek Park, along with deer and raccoons, which sometimes make their way into built-up areas of town–usually with bad results, especially for the deer. The kind of “foxes” who’s company needs to be purchased have infested the downtown area. Something I’m sure Screwey Louis is aware of.

  24. I hope that Louie tries to pay the fine with campaign contributions. We all know that it is perfectly legal for a congressman to use campaign funds for personal uses. Louie should simply pay the fine and claim that he was campaigning. That is as believable as his other story

  25. This makes Louie a true Congressrodent!!

  26. Well, if any of you are as old as I am, you might remember stripper Fanne (aka Fannie) Foxe, dubbed The Tidal Basin Bombshell, the paramour of powerful Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.). In the fall of 1974, she and Mills were stopped late at night by the Park Police while Mills was driving erratically in West Potomac Park near the Tidal Basin; both were intoxicated. Attempting to flee the scene, Fannie leaped into the Tidal Basin. Naturally, a major scandal followed the bust.

    Of course, Mills was a Democrat, so he paid a heavy price for his misconduct; shortly after the incident, he resigned his position as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and his career thereafter went downhill fast.

    Sorry that old Congresscritter was neither an R nor a Texan, but I do think Fannie deserves a mention as probably the best-known fox ever to have graced Our Fair City’s monuments.

  27. Attila the Blond says:

    23 blocks from the Hill for an 11 PM+ meeting on the Hill? Was he putting up a memorial to Fannie Foxx? He couldn’t have been out looking for a working girl of he would have just shut up and paid the ticket. He’d have enough cash for both, right?

  28. TexasEllen says:

    Please Lord, let there be a Pavement Prince with a camera.

  29. I can’t believe Loony Louie is losing to Steve King in the 2013 Daily Kos Republican March to Madness Tourney (http://www.dailykos.com/blog/GOP%20March%20to%20Madness/). I was looking forward to a Cruz-Ghomert matchup in the Crazy 8.

  30. cREW is calling for an investigation of Louie

  31. morton weiss says:

    Jan has asked a question that has been bothering me also.Are there any Dems as stupid as the Repugs-Ghomert,Bachmann,Fox,,etc.and if so who are they?


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