Louie Gohmert

July 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Question: You know the question Louie asked Peter Strzok under oath today? Can we ask Donald Trump the same question? Or pretty much any Republican member of Congress?

And can I see Trey Gowdy’s emails during the Benghazi investigation?


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0 Comments to “Louie Gohmert”

  1. SteveTheReturned says:

    Louie’s performance today was absolutely stomach-turning. A new low, even by Gohmert’s low standards. He’s not alone, though—lots and lots of stupid on that House committee…..

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean your ownself, you are exhibit #1 in a parade of reasons more women are needed in politics and political office. Thank you!

    As well as FBI agent Strzok did today slapping the hypocrisy out of Trey Gowdy, while demonstrating remarkable restraint when Louie the Louse grabbed a mic, it was nothing compared to how Hilz and Cecile Richards powned those punks.

  3. Amen! I watched today & kept thinking ‘do they (R’s) hear themselves?’

  4. maryelle says:

    Jay, you ask a critical question, “Do they hear themselves?”
    My guess is that Rs have no corpus callosum which connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain, so their ears may actually pick up sound, but it does not register anywhere in the area where reasoning takes place. They certainly do not
    behave as rational human beings.

  5. Can we ask Donald Trump…

    Yes! Can we also ask “President Trump, how did you look your wives in the eye(s) when you (fill in multiple choice phrases).”

  6. @Jane & PKM:

    We need more righteous indignation. Thank you Mr. Strzok.

  7. Who yelled that Louie needed to take his medication? Was that Maxine?

  8. @Cheryl
    My little bride says “yes, it was Maxine”. You go girl!

    In my previous occupation I think I learned to read and interpret facial expressions made under pressure. I think Mr Strzok was mentally measuring Louie to determine exactly how many empty 5 gallon cans it would take to store his body in a featureless warehouse containing thousands of the same kind of 5 gallon cans.

  9. Micr:

    It’s not a good thing to piss off the FBI. They know how to keep a secret and hide the bodies.

  10. Agent Strzok is my newest hero.
    Louie & the GOP are they same old ass wipe traitor selves.

  11. As well as Strzok himself, Dems on the Committee were kicking butt and taking names, especially Cummings, Connolly and Texas’ own Sheila Jackson Lee. Well done, all.

  12. Ahem . . . during the reign of J. Edgar Hoover, was there ever anything that came close to the way this FBI agent was treated by the Hill? And I don’t mean Hillary! If not, wonder why.

  13. Maryelle:
    I respectively disagree.
    The parts of their brains where reasoning take place are in perfect working order. The problem is the worldview that they subscribe to is totally foreign to us. We all know that right wing douchebags project their douchebagery onto us, attributing every opinion against them to dirty tricks and scornful derision.
    When in fact a lot of times our criticisms give them WAY too much credit.
    We project our tendencies on them as much as they do on us.
    We just keep expecting them to have some basic sense of fairness and civility that they’ll finally find in themselves.
    Unfortunately, what passes for conservatism nowadays treats empathy with scornful
    hostility. Gleefully scornful hostility.
    Their brains are in perfect working order.
    They’re just using them in the nefarious activities they always do.
    Okay, Louie’s brain excluded.

  14. Lunargent says:

    Louie’s sanctimonious braying about the affair is one of the few issues where he may have relevant experience. I doubt that he’s ever had an affair. In fact, the fact that he has a wife and 3 daughters strains my credulity to the breaking point.

    I doubt he’s ever found a second woman willing to take him on. There’s not enough money in his entire campaign fund. Or enough alcohol in the entire state of Texas.

  15. I have run out of epithets for those scum-sucking maggots. In all of my four languages. Nothing can express my utter contempt for what the republicans have become.

  16. “I’m having trouble hearing you, Trey. Please climb down from there and ask that question to my face.”

  17. lazrgrl says:

    Hey y’all, up here in oh-so-blue (for now anyway) CT, my delightful senator Chris Murphy has invited constituents for a sort of town hall walk in the woods just down the street from here. I’m making a list of questions, starting with Is McConnell really the world’s biggest SOB ever?, but I’m not sure he’ll want to answer them.

  18. @Papa

    The standard law enforcement joke aboot the FBI goes along the lines of how much trouble one can find one’s self in when one “tells an f-i-b to the FBI”. A smallish humor for Friday morning.

  19. Who voted for Gohmert and why and for so long…….? Delighted that Trey is leaving Congress…..he is a horrible thing. He looks exactly like what comes out of his mouth.
    Where are the mainstream GOPers? Any civil person must be appalled.

  20. i never expected such a bonkers episode from crazy crab legs louie.. it was a repeat of him in the checkout line at the store when the lady in front of him paid for the crab legs with food stamps…

  21. MaryAnne says:

    I am still trying to understand who votes for Louie down there.

    Can you help me?

  22. If Gohmert was given an enema you would be able to bury him in a matchbox. Same goes for Gowdy I think.
