Louie! Get It?

June 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert says he’s still refusing to wear a mask, even though it’s been mandated by the congressional physician.

“I don’t have the coronavirus, turns out as of yesterday I’ve never had it,” Gohmert said about his reasoning for not wearing a mask.

Gohmert says that he’s “routinely tested,” as are my nerves when he speaks, but he won’t wear a mask until he tests positives.  So, if he gets the virus at 3:30 one afternoon, you are just totally out of luck if he gets near you for the rest of the day.  He probably doesn’t understand this because it’s complicated, but you don’t get a 24 hour guarantee with a test.

“I keep being tested and I don’t have it,” he said. “So I’m not afraid of you, but if I get it I’ll wear a mask.”

Well, see, you shouldn’t be afraid of me because I’m wearing a damn mask and throwing my feet in reverse when I see you, Louie.

Thanks to Mel for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie! Get It?”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Has he ever been recorded in public saying anything intelligent? I can just imagine what his supporters are like- one clue, they’ll be in the supermarket wiping their nose with their hand then picking through the corn on the cob display without a mask. I saw one of them in Beaverton this week. I decided against getting any corn. True story.

  2. twocrows says:

    Earth to Louie. A test is not a vaccine, Doofus.

  3. A well mannered person would have said ” Louie! Please Get It!”

  4. twocrows says:

    Thanks for the heads up Steve. I need to go grocery shopping in the next day or so. Note to self: skip the produce department.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Louie. The st00pid rolls out of his mouth so naturally that it makes him the ideal covfefe translator for the ***king moron*.

    Friend of the family had essential surgery two weeks ago. Had a COVID-19 test on Friday, and was in quarantine until the surgery the following week. Pretty simple, but apparently too complex for Louie.

    On the bright side, Texas, those of you are sane and can stay at home are doing so. That means the emergency hospitalizations from traffic accidents, gunshot, and the occasional crowning by frying pan will be the ones dying in the hospital parking lots because the hospitals no longer have the space or personnel to attend to them will be the covidiots.

  6. Ted on the left coast says:

    Hey Texas, I know you all have got to have someone smarter than laughable Louie to run against him for Congress! Get her done.

  7. Ted a house plant is smarter

  8. Oh, please, please, please!!!

    “…if I get it I’ll wear a mask.”

    I kinda feel terrible but then I don’t really at all.

  9. SteveTheReturned says:

    So…Let’s all stay the hell out of Louie’s way, and see what happens. End of story.

  10. AlanInAustin ... says:

    He’ll close the barn door after the horse is already out.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    I guess he’ll wait to wear an oxygen mask in the hospital?

  12. Louie proves every chance he gets why his own colleagues voted him “Stupidest Man In congress”

  13. I wonder whether he’s getting a test every day or just having his temperature taken. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know those aren’t equivalent, and the temperature might not show up until he has infected half of the congress.

  14. Schrödinger’s COVID-19.

    A hypothetical Louie if placed in a box, a very small box, may simultaneously be both positive for COVID-19 and negative for COVID-19, until the box is opened and Louie is tested. Unless he’s forgotten, left in the box and placed in storage with discarded Confederate statues.

  15. austinhatlady says:

    Like the way you think, Rick @ 14! I know about Schrodinger’s cat because I watched The Big Bang Series.

    Read earlier today that Abbott is closing down testing for people who do NOT have symptoms.

  16. Rick@14:
    Louie demonstrates the Heisenberg principal of uncertainty like the pH scale with Heisenberg being at 14(base) in intelligence and Louie being 0 (totally acidic) dumbassery. His dumbassery is effecting people’s lives because people are listening to him.

  17. MAry Anne says:

    I really have to ask this question. Who votes for Gohmart?

    But on second thought someone here elects Gym Jordan, so I with draw my question.

    Fools live all over, that is how we were stuck with Trump.

  18. And I’m not sure why but that pic of hole headed Louie is disturbing as hell.
    And for some reason it reminds me of a building in or near the Medical Center in Houston.

  19. He is one dumb sumabitch! Good god, who the hell elects him? Do they do it to keep him out of the state?
    Sorry, Texas, but this guy is a laughing stock. Hopefully he has not bred

  20. Harry Eagar says:

    He doesn’t do much damage as a congressman but I wonder about the defendants in his court.

  21. Joe Is professionally confused says:

    Can someone help me with this? “I’m being regularly tested”, seems I’ve heard that from Drumpf, Loopie Louie, “Don’t touch that A LOT Pence, And Senate Leader Turtle McDurtle. To my questions
    1. Who is paying for regular testing for dumba$$es who refuse to distance or mask? How much?
    2. How many people have gotten ill or died because there weren’t sufficient test available because we diverted resources to “regular testing” of ignoids?
    3. How does a “fiscal conservative” rationalize the cascading costs we are all going to bear because some a-hole don’t wanna mess us their fake tan with a mask or someone who is eskeered to drink at home so the need a bar full of MAGAoids to drink with?

    I got a new idea…no mask? OK you sign a release that you will accept personally all responsible for costs incurred for your care and burial. I’m just thinking that we might see more masks and fewer dumba$$es.

    I’m just sayin’

  22. thatotherjean says:

    Louie, Louie, Louie. . .if you get it, you won’t be in Congress, because they won’t let you in the door. More than likely, you’ll be in the hospital, eventually wearing a ventilator–if you’re lucky. And if your “regular testing” consists of those rapid tests, a lot of them have been shown to give false readings. It’s not a great idea to rely on them.

    I’m not going to wish you luck, because you don’t deserve it–but the people around you do. Good luck, folks–stay away from Louie. He’s every bit as dumb as he sounds.
