
October 25, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Longview News-Journal is a newspaper in Louie Gohmert’s home district.  Admittedly, there are some local newspapers in Louie’s district who kiss his stinky rank butt, but the Longview newspaper ain’t one of them.

This week, they go after Louie’s vote against aid to the areas of Texas that were leveled by Harvey.  It was horrible in Houston, but maybe even worse were the dozens of small towns along the southern coast who didn’t get all the attention and love that Houston did.  Rockport was leveled, but there are no teevee stations in Rockport so no celebrities raising money showed up.

The Longview newspaper notes that six Texas Republicans voted against the aid to Texas supposedly because there were no offsets and these six Texas Republicans were unwilling to sacrifice their big salaries, fancy pants overseas “fact finding” trips and their big fat perks just to save someone’s life.

But, the News Journal does such a superb job of smacking Louie upside the head that’s it’s worth your read.  They write ….

Knowing Gohmert, the “logic” of his vote could be much more esoteric. It is possible he worried that undocumented immigrants would use the money to produce anchor babies who might then become future gay members of space colonies.


They know him well.

Way to go, Longview News-Journal.  It’s nice that somebody in East Texas recognizes caca del toro when they smell it.

Thanks to Karen for the heads up.

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