
August 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s our favorite growling poodle, Louie Gohmert, Republican congressvarmint from deep east Texas.

Louie went on Fox News and explained trigonometry and performed brain surgery right there on the damn teevee, by gawd.

And then, as an encore, he attempted to one-up noted Republican scholar and part time congressman Bryan Zollinger by explaining Charlottesville.

Gohmert even claims there are “witnesses” who saw KKK and Black Lives Matters protesters get off the same buses in Charlottesville, implying they were simply paid actors by Democrats. Gohmert urged Trump to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Democrats, even though presidents do not, and cannot, appoint independent counsels.

Oh Honey, there’s movies.  Of course there’s movies.  And as a bonus, Louie explains how he could have saved America in 2005 but “they” wouldn’t listen to him.


Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for Louie Gohment who always puts things in perspective.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

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