
October 25, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, now that we’ve found out that Republican Congressvarmints were in on the planning of the January 6 Insurrection, a name appeared on that list that kinda stunned me.  Louie Gohmert.

Are you telling me that somebody, anybody, asked Louie to be part of a group?  No, that can’t be right. Nobody is that stoopid.  Wait, oops. I forgot about that crowd of misfits, losers, and thumb suckers.

Along with Greene, the conspiratorial pro-Trump Republican from Georgia who took office earlier this year, the pair both say the members who participated in these conversations or had top staffers join in included Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).

There ain’t a triple digit IQ among the bunch of them.

I give them two weeks until they start stabbing each other in the back. Et tu Lou?


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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. Get the popcorn ready!

  2. Your argument is the same that I have been using for years with regard to Trump collaborating with Russians. If you posit that the Russian intelligence unit (KGB? GRE?) had even a modicum of proficiency in spy craft, it becomes impossible to imagine that they would have anything to do with making Trump a knowing partner. Reason 1: it would be found out sooner or later and reason 2: nobody sane and competent would tie themselves to the thrashing idiocy that is DJT.

    Trump as a useful idiot? Absolutely. They worked through underlings and social media efforts and propped Trump up and are continuing to to that through this day. For them, letting Trump be Trump and giving him power is more than enough to seriously damage and distract their #1 rival/enemy.

  3. thatotherjean says:

    No member of that confederacy of dunces in Congress has the brain power to be anything more than the cannon fodder that the actual beneficiaries of a conspiracy to overthrow the government shove out in front to draw the fire of investigators. Vladimir Putin must be laughing himself sick.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Louie Gohmert is the crash test dummy for the wisdom of Groucho Marx: “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.”

  5. Jeff Del Papa says:

    I am not sure there is a room temperature IQ, never mind 3 digits.

  6. Nick Carraway says:

    Well, we should consider two salient facts. First, the insurrection didn’t work even though they had numbers on their side. Secondly, the cover up was even less effective than the insurrection itself. So, is it any surprise that the brain power listed was involved? I suppose Barnes and Noble hasn’t started selling “Insurrection for Dummies” yet.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Cumulative IQ of these folks wouldn’t crack three digits.

  8. And in Argentina, nature is helping folks fight back against the .01%.
    R.O.U.S.s to the rescue!

  9. RepubAnon says:

    Louie would make a great fall guy – he’d be happy to get up and say that he was the one who planned the whole thing…

  10. Louie as a member of the January 6th Planning Committee is like Trump starting a social network named TRUTH.

    They only make sense in the realm of irony.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Gosar told the group drumpf would issue a blanket pardon for all arrested. Just like he promised to pay legal bills of any devoted followers who beat up protesters. Just like he promised he wouldn’t have time to play golf. Just like he….

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Reading the Rolling Stone article and seeing the picture of paul gosar reminded me of an annual company meeting I attended years ago. The keynote speaker talked about people that he called 4 P’s types- Permanently Poised for the Pissed-off Position. Paul gosar has a permanent ugly scowl on his face. Same with MTG. Frankly, they all fit that.

  13. charles r phillips says:

    All these nutbags make Gym Jordan look like Einstein, and Little Marco like a Leftist. I’d say let ’em all go because the drama is SOooooooO amazing, but the aftermath would be bloody, long, and dull.

  14. I’m not dancing in the end zone yet.

    Odd that Planner Person and Organizer Person are “informally” talking to committee members AND talking to Rolling Stone. Seems choreographed and, they’re dangling bait.

  15. yet another baby boomer says:

    John @14 Hmmm, astute observation.

  16. Sandridge says:

    “…until they start stabbing each other in the back”
    Can we all chip in and get each of those seditionists some of these puppies, and let ’em rip:
    Kilimanjaro 10 Inch Fixed Blade Knife (Kibo) – 910091

    or a ‘Kilimanjaro 24 Inch Machete’, perhaps a ‘Kilimanjaro 11 Inch Semi-Serrated Hunting Knife (Talbot)’.
    Finish it off with a ‘Kilimanjaro 10 Inch Axe With Double Injected Grip (Shira) – 910095’.

    The axe to give the coup de grâce for the treasonous coup d’état’ers.

    [I have the axe, and a ‘Kilimanjaro Shira 10 Inch Fixed Blade Knife – 910094’ [very similar to the Kibo above, which Newegg doesn’t have now]. The best, most impressive cutting instruments I’ve ever owned. Get some if you need something like them.]

  17. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “There ain’t a triple digit IQ among the bunch of them.”

    Hell, Louie ain’t yet got to room temperature.

  18. Hi you wonderful folks in Texas!

    Here’s something that has been very helpful in understanding the stupidity and its dangers. Great little videos to explain complex issues. Visit them on YouTube. There’s a lot more.

    Please take extra good care of yourselves.

    Our best,

    Tom and Annie

  19. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “Speaking to reporters on Monday evening, [Rep. Mo] Brooks said he didn’t do planning for the event, but “I don’t know if my staff did.. but if they did I’d be proud of them for helping to put together a rally lawful under the First Amendment at the ellipse to protest voter fraud and election theft.””

    Yeah, right.

  20. Steve Schlackman says:

    I have believed for several years that it was impossible for any other House Rep to be as stupid as Louie. It is really sad that I was wrong and that several other reps are now certified to be as stupid as Louie. Even though this rep wasn’t at the meeting Matt Gaetz should be included in the stupidest level.

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    Steve @ 20 It’s the competition that gets such results. When Gohmert had the dumbest title locked up, life was dull. But when a new generation of ambitious free-market rightwing intellectuals got into Congress, the fighting for dumbest of the bunch pushed the cream to the top.

    It’s what makes America great

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Scum also floats to the top.
