
October 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dinesh D’Souzais one of the more slimy Republican mouthpieces.  He recently plead guilty to violating campaign law when he bypassed the whole campaign donation limits by having straw men donate to a friend during her campaign and then reimbursing the straw men.

UnknownThat’s illegal and he knew it was illegal but he did it anyway.

When it got to be sentencing time, D’Souzais’ lawyers argued that he was a contrite man and felt real bad about breaking the law so maybe that was punishment enough.

However, the judge had read an article that D’Souzais wrote lamenting that he was the victim of “selective prosecution” so that dog didn’t hunt with the judge.

“I’m not sure, Mr. D’Souza, that you get it,” Berman said before announcing the sentence. “And it is still hard for me to discern any personal acceptance of responsibility in this case.”

And the sentence?

D’Souza, 53, was ordered by U.S. District Judge Richard Berman in Manhattan to live in a center, which would allow him to leave during non-residential hours for employment, for the first eight months of a five-year probationary period.

Berman also ordered D’Souza to perform one day of community service a week during probation, undergo weekly therapy and pay a $30,000 fine.

So who jumps up and offers to help D’Souza pay the fine?

Louie Gohmert.

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So the next time Louie want to talk about being tough on crime, maybe not so much when Republicans cause the crime.

However, there is an upside.  This is a felony conviction and D’Souza is still on paper so he cannot vote in the midterms.  And, unless he is released from probation early, he can’t vote in the 2016 Presidential election.  I wonder why the judge didn’t consider barring him from politics like Pete Rose was barred from baseball?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Loopy Louie received $5000 from the Koch brothers, then he spends $10,000 subsidizing a convicted criminal. It’s no wonder his finances are in the toilet along with his ‘thought’ process.

  2. Slop meets slime!

  3. Cream and scum inevitably rise. Fortunately it is easy to tell one from the other.

  4. D’Souza was born in India not long after independence. It’s easy to see that his anger over British rule there and the special relationship between Britain and America caused him to attack Britain by attempting to subvert American election laws. There’s more substance to this than to his book on Obama and Kenya.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe he’s not good at numbers. Maybe he’s praying real hard for a miracle. Maybe he doesn’t report all his income. Maybe I need to shut my mouth.

  6. Why, why, WHY didn’t the judge sentence him to prison? He committed a felony, a felony in respect of elections…a “center” and community service my left little toe. That’s not “rejecting the defense,” that’s bending over for them.

    (Yes, I am mean and hateful when someone starts screwing around with election laws.)

  7. TexasEllen says:

    I’m with Elizabeth. Dinesh is not such a delicate little flower that shame would propel him to his fainting couch and his permanent withdrawal from polite society. Prison might be the only technique that could convince him that he really had done something wrong. I also become rabid about any mucking with the franchise.
