Losing My Religion

November 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’re keeping a list to hand to people you meet who slam all Islamic people, I have a few you can add.  It’s not been a good week for Christianity.

First there’s the It’s The End of the World As We Know It dude, who after spending $100,000,000 trying to convince people that they should give him all their money because the world was ending, who has been laying low after missing three times.  He leaves behind a flock of penniless and disappointed people.

Not to be outdone, the Rev. Robert Schuller, who led to flock to build The Crystal Cathedral in California, has his church in bankruptcy but is still leading the good life himself.

In fact, he has asked his congregation to prepare meal for his sick wife, who is recovering from pneumonia.

An email sent by Pastor Jim Kok said that Arvella Schuller has been “very weak,” but that church staff and the Schullers wish to keep her situation “under the radar,” so they don’t want get well cards.

“However they would appreciate meals over the next 3-4 weeks,” the e-mail reads.

It also specifies food guidelines such as no salt, fruit plates, meals with protein, no sweets and specifies that egg dishes such as quiche “would be good.”

The email asks that the food be delivered to the Tower Lobby of the church, and said that the food would be delivered by a limo driver.

Some congregants took issue with the fact that a limo driver would deliver the meals.

Ya think?

Okay, the first person to show up with five loaves of bread and two fishes wins my everlasting respect.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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