Loose Definitions

September 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, I hate to be tacky.  Oh hell, who am I kidding?  I majored in tacky at college.

A group of Texas women decided it was time to support their men, who they rightly refer to as a “bunch of redneck men.”  The wife of Open Carry Texas founder CJ Grisham decided it was high time to counteract Moms Demand Action, an anti schoolhouse massacre group.

She decided to turn herself into a pickup truck gun rack and invite all her gun packin’ girlfriends to meet her in San Antonio to show off their guns.  They refer to themselves as Goddesses with Guns.


Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 9.01.11 AM


I don’t think Aphrodite is gonna have to turn in her crown.

(See, sometimes tacky just walks into your house without even knocking on the door giving you no choice but to invite it to dinner.)

The San Antonio Express News says that about 40 people showed up at the rally, but that they were “mostly men.”

Sadly, there are few Goddesses with Guns in Texas so if you want one, I suggest you grab one soon.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Loose Definitions”

  1. Those are some scary looking goddesses.
    Those should make even Louie G. scream and run.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Juanita Jean. As we have seen their ammosexual other halves at events, these ‘goddesses’ may be too good for those knuckle draggers with the hygiene habits of a hog. Or, look at it this way, every ‘goddess’ matched with an ammosexual is saving two other people from their attentions.

  3. Nemisis was also a goddess and you definitely wanted to stay out of her way. And she never packed a weapon!

  4. Hey, those handful of people appear to have gotten more coverage than the 100’s of thousands that marched in the climate change protest.

  5. What was that wonderful comment from Bill Maher? “They are exercising their 2nd Amendment rights … and from the looks of them, that’s all they’re exercising.”

  6. Thinking ahead to decorating for Halloween, how much do you suppose those chicks would charge to haunt a house? It may depend on the number of rooms.

  7. publius bolonius says:

    Everybody needs a hobby.

  8. The reference to Aphrodite is priceless! I will be smiling all day. Thanks!

  9. Dumb, barefoot and pregnant, just like the Rednecks like ’em. Bang! Bang! Bang!

  10. This calls for some of the lyrics to Weird Al Yankovic’s “Tacky” here:

    I meet some chick, ask her this and that
    Like ‘Are you pregnant girl, or just really fat?’ (what?)

    Bring me shame, can’t nothing
    Bring me shame, I never know why
    Bring me shame, can’t nothing
    Bring me shame, I said
    Bring me shame, can’t nothing
    Bring me shame, it’s pointless to try
    Bring me shame, can’t nothing
    Bring me shame, I said

  11. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    If those are Aphrodite/Venus then I finally understand this version of Cupid:

  12. Sam in San Antonio says:

    I’m sure they believe in their First Amendment right of Freedom of Schreech as well. My eyes hurt.

  13. John Peter Henson says:

    Maybe Gorgons……which one is Medusa…

  14. Who knew the ‘Walking Dead’ had their own goddesses?

  15. There are plenty of goddesses with guns in Texas who believe in responsible gun ownership and think that an assault style rifle and a high capacity clip are just NOT an appropriate fashion accessory.

  16. My grandma kept her guns in the closet right next to the safe. I don’t recall her ever takin’ it to town for any reason.

  17. There is something so very wrong with a pregnant woman, expecting to welcome an innocent new life into the world, packing an assault rifle. It’s an affront to civilization.

  18. I do believe they really work for a gun control group because their irresponsible idiocy will do more for gun control than the people who claim to be for gun control. Really, now, even if you believe in Second Amendment rights, do you want THOSE people to be armed?

  19. Thanks, Brian E! Ya’ gotta love Bill Maher. And JJ, I didn’t find that tacky, just truthful. Lord knows if they don’t call themselves “goddesses,” no one else will.

  20. The ugliest thing about them is the gun each carries. And they look so proud of them. I suppose we each need something to feel proud of.
    Bless their hearts.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    That is godess Ammodite with her sisters Curly and Moe.

  22. More Wild Turkey please to euthanize additional seriously damaged brain cells. The optic nerve in my right eye is in agony.

  23. Barf…Goddesses? Only on “Planet of the ‘Teabagger’s”.

    The teabaggers (note the flag) seem to have cornered the market on UGGLLEEE, just look at all the pics here and elsewhere in articles about them.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mic, as requested, vintage Wild Turkey:


  25. You win the prize, e platypus onion, as long as the Three Stooges don’t take offense.

  26. Goddesses? You gotta be kidding! More like sows!

  27. @pkm: Lacy J Dalton has changed since I last saw her picture.

  28. Venus of Willendorf, maybe.

  29. Goddesses with Guns in Texas so if you want one, I suggest you grab one soon.

    Eek! Good Freaking Grief sorry but I refuse to grab one of these “people” “Women”? No sorry can’t do it won’t do it that picture creeps me the H e double whatever out.

    I could be wrong but those wimmens creep me out….I could be wrong wouldn’t be the first time but sorry can’t do it!

  30. Elise Von Holten says:

    I don’t understand why sister Sarah missed this event…was she worried these beauties would out shine her…maybe even outshoot her? I seem to remember something horrible about a tied down moose…or was she afraid she would hit one of the
    Moose girls instead?

  31. Not going to comment on the women. I have no words.

    However, here is some food for thought:


    Why do people with guns get to go around cities, and nobody bothers them, and peaceful protests by “unarmed” citizens are met with tanks and tear gas?


  32. @Cheryl, NY media actually did a very decent job covering the People’s Climate March, not just in NYC (where I marched with the other hundreds of thousands), but worldwide.

    Goddesses? If they say so. In my mind, they do not fit the bill. I’ll stick with Kwan Yin and Kali Ma (and yes, I’m aware of how very different they are).

  33. I want to see them carry them in a Walmart. Of course that’s ok because they are white. Black people can’t even carry around a toy gun off the shelf without getting shot and killed.
