Looking Up

April 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Especially in the midwest, conservative heaven, right-wingers got punched in the nose at school board races.

Democrats and teachers’ unions boasted candidates they backed in Midwestern suburbs trounced their opponents in the once-sleepy races. The winning record, they said, was particularly noticeable in elections where conservative candidates emphasized agendas packed with race, gender identity and parental involvement in classrooms.

The bad news about that is it will take at decade to recover from the damage they did to public education, but we’re starting. The albatross around their necks was, of course, the culture wars.

You know, every time there is social change in America – giving women the right to both vote and be in charge of their healthcare, freedom from slavery, civil rights, the death of poll tax, – you name it – there are bloody claw marks from the rightwing left behind.


0 Comments to “Looking Up”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Would be great if this is going to be a growing trend. Hope so. Around the fringes of blue parts of Oregon, the opposite seems to be happening.
    As most know by now, a large portion of Oregon (and E WA) want to become greater Idaho. Idaho is the state with the lowest financial support per student in the US. Yes, less than say Mississippi. Idaho is packed with school boards with far right agendas. Whatever ever the formula is that JJ highlights above, you’d think greater Idaho suburbs would be ripe to change.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    I hope this signifies that the GQP has overstepped again–just like it did on abortion. Answered prayers and all that.

  3. Great news, thanks JJ! Little by little the extremist Republicans are getting exposed.
    You don’t often see a good ol Republican spankin like this on the MSM either.

    “Watch: Nicolle Wallace nails Jim Jordan over his ‘circus’ hearing in Manhattan”

    (notice not one ‘fair and balanced’ lying Conservative commentator to spin the circus hearing in their favor!)
