Lookie What I Found

December 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was going through some Christmas stuff last night and came across a Holiday card from Rick Perry.  To be honest, I have no idea what year it was sent, but the return address was the Gov Shack.

Take a look —

If you look real close, you’ll see that the word “Christmas” seems to be missing.  Rick?  Where’s Christmas?

There is a scripture at the bottom but it’s the old testament, so “The Lord” is God, not Sweet Jesus.

No Christmas?  Does Jerry Falwell know about this?  Rick?  Rick?

One other thing … last summer the Houston Chronicle did some digging and discovered that Rich Rick may talk the talk, but walking the walk …. not so much.

From 2000, when Perry became governor, through 2009, he earned a total of $2.68 million, according to his tax records. Of that amount, he gave about half a percent to churches and religious organizations, or $14,243.

By comparison, Americans averaged gifts of nearly 1.2 percent of their income to churches and religious groups from 2004 to 2008, according to Empty Tomb Inc., an Illinois-based research firm specializing in U.S. church-giving trends.

The Chronicle article was from June of this year and contains a remarkable quote.

Perry declined an interview request by the Houston Chronicle/San Antonio Express-News to discuss his views on prayer, personal religious observance and charitable giving.

“He never talks about his faith,” Perry spokesman Mark Miner said.

He never talks about his faith?  No, no, wait.  I must not be reading that right.  He.  Never. Talks. About. His. Faith.  Yep, I read it right.

Uh, best I can tell, that’s ALL he talks about lately.  How quickly we forget.


Laura found one, too.

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