Look Who Has Discovered Israel!
When Rand Paul got his hair elected to the Senate in 2011, one of the first things he did was demand that the United States cut all aid to Israel. We give $3 billion a year in military aid to Israel.
Paul tried to argue that US financial support was actually not in Israel’s best interest because it created a sort of welfare dependency for that nation.
Well, at least he was being consistent in his miser behavior.
Now, not so much.
… [Paul] intended to introduce legislation that would end US aid to the Palestinian government until it recognizes Israel’s right to exist. The next day, Paul’s websiteannounced that the senator had introduced the “Stand with Israel Act of 2014,” which would make all future aid to the Palestinians conditional on the new unity government …
So best I can figure, Paul’s idealogical purity went down to the river where Rick Perry got baptized and did a cannonball into it. That’s a whole mess of slime to soak up.
Thanks to David for the heads up.
I have not heard one peep from the pro lifers about Israel’s decision to allow and pay for a women to have an abortion for ANY reason.
Why are they supporting a state that promotes and pays for abortion on demand????
How can they support Israel when they can’t support Planned Parenthood and their programs for women’s health service ?
1C’mon, Diane: Israel’s support of a woman’s right to her own body represents a level of intelligence these clowns can’t begin to comprehend.
2We shunned South Africa for their apartheid system, but we ignore it in Israel.
We rant about the land-grab in Crimea, but we ignore it on the West Bank.
As long as we continue to play favorites, we will continue to antagonize the Palestinians and provoke more terrorism here and there.
Not all statesmanship is making friends. Some of it is avoiding making enemies.
3Of course, Randikins did a flip flop on this. After all, it is Thursday . . . isn’t it?
4Oh, I think his hair is cute. Maybe he needs a list of his beliefs posted behind his hair in front of the cameras.
5One of the huge insults the Republicans like to throw at Democratic candidates was that they flip-flopped on a particular issue. Rand Paul’s whole platform is an outright repudiation of his former self. Will the real Rand Paul please sit down…and shut up.
6Good one, maryelle!
7J Street just posted an action thanking the conference of presidents (of allegedly pro-Israeli organizations) for excluding them (us) because of their pro-two-state-solution stance: http://jstreet.org I’m convinced that thing on Rand Paul’s head tells him what to do, like the rat in Ratatouille controlled the movements of the cook.
8randpaul went all ‘pro-Israel’ when some faux ‘liberals on the web somewhere’ went all ‘pro-Palestinian’. Now he has to pander to the chicken hawks without paying for it.