Look Out! Louie Gohmert Has Competition.
What Rolling Stone Magazine calls “quite possibly the dumbest moment in congressional history” is a conversation between Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and former Senator John Kerry. See if you can guess who is the dumb one. Hint: it’s the same one who doesn’t believe in climate change.
Humans can’t be responsible for the climate change because the climate was a mess a billion years before we got here.
Hard to tell whether Republican Rep. Thomas Massie is just missing the link between climate, CO2, and changes in the Earth over millions of years – – or if he’s just a missing link incarnate.
1He has a BS and MS from MIT
Either he is losing his marbles or he was performing for the crowd at Fox News.
2A one hit wonder. He lacks Louie’s years of experience and practice at being a moron.
3Diane – We all know what BS stands for and MS is More of the Same. He must be working towards his PhD, Piled higher & Deeper
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
4What an idiot! He simply is not capable of understanding anything. How these people get elected is beyond me – except the voters in their district obviously distrust anyone who has a brain.
5“I have an autographed snowball from Sen.Inhofe’s campaign sir. It’s on my desk if you don’t believe me and no, I don’t have tell you why its secret either.”
6I should stop being surprised at ignorant bastards who want to wave their ignorance like it’s a flag to be proud of, and think it makes them superior to anybody who knows what they’re talking about. Anybody who is absolutely 100% sure of what they’re saying is more likely (not absolutely, now, but more likely) to be an idiot than the one who knows that life has few certainties and isn’t so sure.
And saying that “The world used to be warmer before there were humans, so therefore we aren’t making it warmer now” is a sign of someone who flunked Logic… and who will also argue that smoking can’t cause cancer because mummified Egyptians had cancer.
I suppose we should be glad for one tiny mercy in that he seems to agree that the world wasn’t created 6000 years ago.
7How can a guy with 2 engineering degrees from MIT be so stupid? John Kerry has the brain, experience, temprement, judgement and more to be president. Wish he were a bit younger now when we could need someone with those qualities. BTW if you’ve read Kerry’s books you know he’s a patriot to the core.
8Next up:
Someone explains to Massie that women do NOT get “Mistress of Science” degrees.
9Rhea @7 – where dahell do ya think those Egyptians got the cancer from? Camels! Back in the 50s tv ad for those cigs had handsome people claiming they’s walk a mile for a camel. Being a young buck, I tried that and decided very quickly to go back to women!;)
10This admin is getting to me.
I commented earlier about Devin Nunes appealing to Donnie Douchebag’s vanity by using the same outrageous methods of manipulating reality in the “minds” of the 37%. I stand by that. As a dairy farmer with a master’s degree in agriculture, leading herd animals around by carrots and sticks is right up his alley.
11IMHO, Thomas Massie is much more dangerous, because he’s looking long-term.
While Nunes appeals to magas, with their weaselheaded fetishes, Massie realizes Donnie is constantly capitalizing on the infrastructure put in place for decades by people like the Kochs.
When the Golgothan finally goes down, one way or another, the Kochs and their infrastructure will still be there.
Rock solid.
Massie’s establishing his “creds” about old school right wing causes right now while the world’s watching, because of the sh*tshow that is our current political reality. Which is bound to flame out at some point, leaving calculating douchebags like Massie standing there with open arms waiting to welcome the extremists, and anybody else who’ll listen, into the fold that’s been there forever. Looking like reasonable, rational, reality compared to the calculated anarchy that we have now.
Almost forgot.
12That’s just my opinion, and I’m just as full of sh*t as anybody else.
One thing in Massie’s favor: he at least acknowledges that the earth is older than 5000 years.
13Who made education illegal in the United States of America?
14This RWNJ is from my state and represents the district next to mine…he is playing to his yahoo voters AND is also a climate change denier. THIS is why we still have Yertle the Turtle as our Senator…good luck getting a Dem in there with the mouth-breather vote as strong as it is…