Look at Israel Today for a Glimpse of the US Under Trump II

July 25, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Corruption, Criminal, Fascism, Insurrection, Judiciary, Trump

If you have any doubt about what the US would look like under a second TFG administration, just look at Israel.  The parallels are uncanny.  Think about it – Bibi Netanyahu, the country’s totalitarian leader, is under indictment for corruption, bribery, and breach of trust; sound familiar?  Despite these charges, he was re-elected in 2022 with a tiny 4 seat majority in parliament; sound familiar?  Despite this tiny majority he’s rammed through a number of “reforms” which are nothing but power grabs.  Since Netanyahu controls both the executive office and parliament, the only check on his power has been Israel’s supreme court, which has made life inconvenient in his takeover.  He fixed that yesterday by ramming through a very unpopular bill stripping the court of much of its oversight authority; Israelis are now rioting in the streets.

Netanyahu is backed by ultra-right and ultra-religious radicals who are protecting him; sound familiar?  Since 2022 they’ve been consolidating their power and are now in the process of taking over the West Bank and expanding Israeli settlements by stripping land from Palestinians, limiting the civil rights of Palestinians, inserting religion and limiting the rights of secular Israelis, and limiting LGBTQ rights.  The military has stepped up persecution of Palestinians with violent attacks on their settlements and refugee camps, claiming to be rooting out “terrorists”.

TFG’s henchmen are already laying plans should he take office again; their intent is to consolidate all government power under the president, stripping independence of the DOJ (especially the FBI), the IRS, the EPA, the FCC, FTC, and all functions independent of the White House.  They also plan to strip government employee protections, purge the agencies and install loyalists throughout the government.  It’s exactly what Netanyahu is doing in Israel, but on a much larger scale.  Both plans are the same, and that is to institutionalize corruption.

The only real difference between Netanyahu’s takeover of Israel and TFG’s plan?  He already controls the SCOTUS.  That should send cold chills down your back.

0 Comments to “Look at Israel Today for a Glimpse of the US Under Trump II”

  1. Fred Farkleshine says:

    Here’s a question every MAGA from the “Halls of Congress” to the “MAGA person on the street,” needs to answer!


  2. Yup. And I don’t normally like to point to things I’ve said as if they make any difference, but just because I’m lazy
    , https://juanitajean.com/failure-to-launch/#comments


  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I couldn’t open the link above to the New York Times without subscribing, so here’s another that hopefully you can open. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/07/donald-trump-isnt-even-trying-to-hide-his-authoritarian-plans-for-a-second-term

    I think we all know this is what TFFG has been after all along including his ability to dismiss all charges and suits against him, same as Nutenyahoo. They are best buds of the narcissistic kind. Read Nutenyahoo is in the hospital for a pace maker. I’m not wishing him well.

  4. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Steve, out here in the wilds of Oregon a digital subscription to NYT is the sine qua non……one to WaPo also is nice.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    John, actually I have a subscription but I don’t have my password with me and don’t have time to go through a new password reset. Out here in the wilds of Oregon as you say (in the waiting room while my wife is having surgery).

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Fred @1: As someone reared in the biblical fundamentalist cesspool, I can answer the question. Fundies believe that all the Jews will gather in Israel before the final judgement occurs and all the True Christians(TM) can go to heaven. So as soon as they can pack them all into that strip of land, good times come. Well, maybe not for the unconverted Jews, for followers of the Whore of Babylon (AKA Catholics), or the benighted darkies (dark skin is the Mark of Cain, dontcha know?) in Africa or India. But certainly for Southern Baptists.

    That was the start of the right-wing obsession with Israel, but now it has become just like opposing LGBT rights, or sustainable energy use, or opposing liberals: a shibboleth that they can’t really defend, but are obligated to back as part of their identity.

  7. Fred Farkleshine @1, El Jefe, and everyfuckingbody else around here,

    The MAGAots, and especially the Christofascists, are extremely pro-Israel because of their lunatic beliefs in Dominionist and Xtian Zionist ‘2nd Coming’ Apocalyptic bullcrap.

    “Prominent Christian leaders who support Seven Mountains Dominionism include David Barton, James Dobson, John Hagee, Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau, and Paula White, and notable politicians who have embraced it include Michele Bachmann, Sam Brownback, Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Charlie Kirk, Sarah Palin, and Rick Perry.[38][42][43][37][44][45]” [and many/most other of today’s GTP Rethuglikans]

    Part of this crazed belief system is to hasten Armageddon and the ‘End Times, by returning the Jews to the so-called ‘Promised Holy Land’.
    Which then results in the “The Chosen Ones” [them only] all going up to their fanciful sky kingdom.
    Of course everyone else, including the Jews, are all destroyed in a ‘Hell on Earth’; or whatever Hagee and the rest of these maniacs has been preaching lately.

    Y’all lackadaisical libs, et al., had better wake TF up and do every thing possible to vanquish these rabid theocratic crazies in the 2024 elections.
    It’ll be your last chance, they’re already designing and anticipating firing up those ovens…

    Ignore their massive hypocrisy in fervently believing that the most corrupt and immoral, irreligious sonuvabitch to ever enter American politics, DJT, is ‘The Messiah’ to them. His Holy Mangoness is just a means to their evil ends.


    [I even saw this “Fatherland Front (Austria)” symbol on teevee recently, used for some current purpose:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_theology#Catholic_integralism ]

  8. John in Lake Oswego says:

    Steve, hope it goes well.

    I shudder at the thought of a password change!

  9. Holy Effing Shit!
    Been warning y’all about this for decades now. They are damned serious, and there are a lot more of them thinking this way than you or the esteemed Mr. Hunter think:

    Trump ally warns of ‘second Civil War’ if they can’t get away with coup attempt
    [by] Hunter for Daily Kos
    Daily Kos Staff
    2023/07/25 · 12:41

    Of course Navarro is a batshit crazy Nazi, but they all are…and their Messiah and would be Führer is too, and the MAGAots luv ’em even more for it.

  10. Thanks, great comments El Jefe, Fred Farkleshine, and everyfuckingbody else around here @ 7, etc.!

    They said it couldn’t happen here …
    video, she nails it around 3 minute mark!

    ‘Alex Wagner Breaks Down how Ron DeSantis Is Whitewashing History’

    Our present situation is no surprise. Way past time for Republicans to change their name to the WCCFLP, White Christian Corporate Freedumb and Liberty Party. In fact the GOP destroying Liberalism and our Democracy was clearly outlined in The Powell Memo 50 years ago and they have been systematically
    dismantling our system of checks and balances every since.

    ‘Where Did the Religious Nuttery Come From?’

    again, oldie but goodie …

    ‘Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers’

  11. And now for something really serious to freak you out, a portion of the climate crisis.
    I always keep an eye on the weather, including sea water temperatures [mostly in the Gulf of Mexico]; since the 70s, never saw this before.
    It’s going nuclear out there. And down in the Antarctic, where it’s the middle of winter, the ice is melting and shrinking.
    [and it’s now 104 at home, w/heat index of 118, with 3 hours until peak]

    Here’s a link below to a radial collection of ocean WX readings extending 250 miles from the NDBC Station 42020, which is 60nm SSE of Corpus Christi.
    The GOM, and waters around Florida, the Bahamas, Caribbean, hell the whole world, are reaching unseen before temperatures. Have even seen inshore water temps in Florida above 100 degrees F, at a depth of 5 feet down!. Even temps in the mid-80s+ are uncomfortable to surf or swim in.

    This is a good broad overview of GOM sea temps, and they have been steadily rising the last few months. Now in the mid-80s to low 90s Fahrenheit throughout the open and inshore waters of the GOM. And the peak of hurricane season is still almost two months away…

    Observations – Radial Search from 42020:

    Station 42020 (LLNR 1405) – CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – 60NM SSE of Corpus Christi, TX [with pictures]

  12. Meant to write : ‘Have even seen inshore water temps in Florida above 100 degrees F, at a depth of 5 feet down!. Even temps in the mid-80s+ are uncomfortable to surf or swim in —let alone for the aquatic critters and other lifeforms, like corals—.

  13. Thanks Sandridge @ 11 Rapture Ready or not we are in a whole new world of hurt.
