Long Division

August 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is an article in today’s Houston Chronicle that contends Rick Perry has the Teahadist vote in the Republican primary so won that he can stuff it, mount it, hang it over the fireplace and open his house for the home tour.

Oh wait, he doesn’t live in his house.  He lives in my house.  I pay $10,000 a month for it.

That aside, he’s got the Teahadist vote.  They quote a Gallup poll that says —-

A new Gallup Poll shows that the Texas governor has the backing of 35 percent of Republican primary voters who identify with the Tea Party movement — nearly three times the support garnered by any other candidate.

They say this is a big whoop because  —

Gallup found that 58 percent of likely GOP primary voters consider themselves Tea Party supporters.

Well, hell, this sucker is over.  Let’s inaugurate that dude and let him move into the White House.

Not so fast, mathematicians.

He’s got 35% of the 58% of the 49% of people who vote Republican in Presidential elections.  That’s a third of not quite two-thirds of a half.  If you wanna chart it, that ain’t even a whole piece of pie.

Babe, I am fully ready to admit that 2008 is not going to happen again.  A whole bunch of progressives are peeved at President Obama.  But I am also certain that 2010 is not going to happen again either because 2010 scared the poop outta progressives, teachers, parents, mainstream people of faith, and folks who work for a living.

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen calls Rick Perry “Barry Goldwater with Hair.”  If those numbers hold up, Rick Perry will not do as well as Barry Goldwater.  Hell, he won’t do as well as Barry Manilow.

Darlin’, Rick Perry is Michele Bachmann without the shrill, but he’s working on it.  I heard him give a speech the other day – it made dogs howl.

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