Locusts and Floods

April 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Every now and then Texas looses its Crazzzy Country title to some foreign state.  For a while, South Carolina took it from us.  Last week, Arizona popped up and grabbed our crown and sash.

But, don’t ever count Texas out because, Honey, we know how to grow fighters here.

“This time it’s Congressvarmint Leo Burman of Tyler, Texas,” Juanita announces.  “Leo went to talking and out came some of the damnest words you’ve ever heard.”

“I believe that Barack Obama is God’s punishment on us today,” Rep. Leo Berman of Texas’ 6th district told the audience at a Glenn Beck appearance in Tyler, Texas. Berman added, “But in 2012, we are going to make Obama a one-term president.”

Berman, whose comments were first reported on by the Tyler Morning Telegraph, appeared alongside a number of other prominent Texas conservatives at the Oil Palace arena on Saturday night, including Texas Governor Rick Perry.

“You know what a jerk God is,” Juanita begins, “He’s always raining down something – pestilence, locust, famine, plague, Obama….”

“Now I do not know about you, but I cannot help but wonder what it was that Leo Burman did to cause God to punish us.  It must have been a humdinger!”

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