Local Stuff: My Funny Republicans

January 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, just like Republican Parties across the county, my local Republican party is split worse than size 8 pants on Verdelia. And Honey, exactly like Verdelia, their hiney is hanging out.

The challenger to the Republican Party Chairman, Mr. Bill Michie, announced that he was running against the incumbent chairman, Mr. Mike Gibson, because “party funds have dwindled to the point that the party is virtually broke.”

Honey, there ain’t no “virtual” about it.  They’ve got debt so deep that they are hoping to strike oil or China.

Their reports to the Federal Election Commission have been a mess since the first of the year but things got really out of hand last June, when they reported that the Fort Bend County Republican Party was $22,680.63 in debt. Click here to see for yourownself.

Well, the Federal Elections Commission immediately asked, “What the hell?” You cannot show debt without explaining who you owe it to and what for.  I mean, did somebody abscond to Vegas with the Lincoln Day Dinner receipts?

So, the FEC sent the Republican Party of Fort Bend County a letter, asking politely for an explanation.  Here ya go. And they continued to send the same letter every month asking for an explanation.

Here is the explanation the Party gave to the FEC in August 2015.  Reports showing the growing debt every month refers back to this explanation.


Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 1.16.18 PM

Now here it is the middle of January, which is a few days since August, and there is still no “reconciliation.”

To make matters worse, they are starting off this year with a negative cash balance of $29,245.13. And here it is.

Now, if it takes the Republican Party six months to figure out where $23,000 went and how it grew to $29,000 for apparently no reason whatsoever, I flat ain’t trusting them with my tax money.  Not that I ever did, mind you, but when they ask me for a reason, I have a damn good one.

Now what makes it especially fun for me is that at almost every election a local Republicans files a complaint with the FEC whining that the local Democrats have broken the law and are total scoundrels because we don’t file with the FEC.  Every election we answer with applicable law and proper receipts explaining that we don’t spend more than $1,000 on federal races so we don’t have to file with the FEC.  No big deal, but it takes time to get all that stuff together and find a damn stamp.

I haven’t file a complaint against them because I’m figure living dangerously is a Republican tradition.

And if there’s any Republicans out there reading this, do not give your local party any more money than you can afford to put in a paper bag and set on fire just to watch it burn because, Honey, they do not have a clue where that money goes when it lands in their pockets.

Oh, by the way, tonight is their annual fundraising dinner.

Have a great weekend!


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0 Comments to “Local Stuff: My Funny Republicans”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Um… whatever happened to the “fiscal responsibility” meme? Oh right, that was last year.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “they do not have a clue where that money goes when it lands in their pockets.”

    Mystery solved. If the FEC actually had teeth, they’d shake those pockets for the missing change.

    Sic ’em, Alfredo!

    JAKvirginia, “fiscal responsibility” was maimed by Nixon and Reagan, while Dubya dealt it the death knell as far as any fiscal conservatism.

    If T-Rump wants to complain about our debt to China, perhaps he could direct his attention to Dubya, Cheney, Halliburton, et al and send in his ‘select’ team of ‘great’ people to recover our money.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Did not know embezzling and gambling habits was a medical condition.

    Oh,hell it is just federal government over reach-like always.

  4. Hey. I worked for some of these people years ago. For one thing, there was Las Vegas. For another, there was everything that goes with “Las Vegas”. Nuff said!

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Maybe they can get Senator Ted’s wife to broker a loan from one of those “New York Values” banky things.

  6. File a complaint.
    Why should they have all the fun.

  7. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Let’s see….. Tonight huh?
    just to break even…..
    100 people pay $300.00/ plate or
    1000 people pay $30.00/ plate

    Too, Too Funny.
    Be careful who you give your check to…..

  8. Any chance there’s a spy.

  9. two crows says:

    To JAKvirginia:
    “Um… whatever happened to the ‘fiscal responsibility’ meme? Oh right, that was last year.”

    SO last year.
    Well no, come to think of it – – so last century. As in Before Nixon Last Century.

    They do love to crow about the “Tax and Spend Democrats,” but the fact of the matter is, they’re the “Refuse to Tax yet Spend Like Your Drunk Uncle Republicans.”

    Just sayin.

  10. So Uncle Ruckus has relocated to Fort Bend County, eh? Cool!

  11. I thought deficit spending horrified Repubs even when it was spent on schools, first responder health care, and infrastructure.

  12. Let ’em keep it up, I say. It sounds like a good bunch of money didn’t go toward actually electing Republican candidates.

  13. I’m going out on a very short limb, and assuming there’s no source documentation to support the reported accounts payable? this is basic Bookkeeping 101. seriously, if they’re incapable of getting something as simple as this right, they have zero business asking anyone else to elect their candidates to any position of public trust.

  14. Indiana Pearl says:

    Love this! Thanks!

  15. daChipster says:

    What was the poor treasurer’s medical condition? Drunkeness? Or did they contract mathophobia when “homeskuled” as a child.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    So Rethuglicans are the thieves we have always thought they were.

    See my shocked face:

  17. Don A in Pennsyltucky — “one of those ‘New York Values’ banky things.”

    Oh, thank you, thank you! That was just wonderful!

  18. I just love how they put it on the previous bookkeeper. Somewhat how the character Skyler in Breaking Bad flounced into the IRS audit of her dumba$$ boss’ business and played the scatterbrained blond. Guess that’s as good an excuse as any. Why I never ever signed off on anything that was the least bit shady as an accountant/bookkeeper.

  19. snacilbupeR have no problem with deficit spending when they’re spending other People’s Money on themselves. The snacilbupeR 2016 presidential candidates are among the best at Deficit Spending OPM.

  20. Rick Stelter says:

    I blame this whole mess on Republican math, it’s been screwing us since 1980…

  21. It just has to be President Obama’s fault.

    What a pathetic mess over simple arithmetic.
