Local Stuff
My local newspaper charges a full print subscription rate for the online version which seems kinda damn outrageous to me.
So, I freely hand out clips from it since I paid so damn much for a newspaper that you can skim in 10 minutes and it generally just pisses me off anyway.
For example ….
Here’s an article about how my tax dollars are being spent. (Click it for a better copy.)
Here’s a guy who has a wicked sense of humor, strong convictions, and a clear – or at least semi-clear – plan. Now I gotta pay for his upkeep in the county jail for six months which the $2,000 fine doesn’t come close to covering, and his lawyer.
They say he’s going to jail not for the weed, but because he didn’t respect the law. Damn, you fools, this is exactly why people don’t respect the law. Some guy walks away with probation for wife beating but this dude gets six months in jail.
Hey, I am not comparing this guy to Rosa Parks, but holy crap, it’s gonna cost the taxpayers about $22,000 to keep him in jail. I can think of a thing or two better to do with $22,000.
Yeah, I live in a red Texas county. It sucks.