Local Stuff

December 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My local newspaper charges a full print subscription rate for the online version which seems kinda damn outrageous to me.

So, I freely hand out clips from it since I paid so damn much for a newspaper that you can skim in 10 minutes and it generally just pisses me off anyway.

For example ….

Here’s an article about how my tax dollars are being spent.  (Click it for a better copy.)


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Here’s a guy who has a wicked sense of humor, strong convictions, and a clear – or at least semi-clear – plan.  Now I gotta pay for his upkeep in the county jail for six months which the $2,000 fine doesn’t come close to covering, and his lawyer.  

They say he’s going to jail not for the weed, but because he didn’t respect the law.  Damn, you fools, this is exactly why people don’t respect the law.  Some guy walks away with probation for wife beating but this dude gets six months in jail.  

Hey, I am not comparing this guy to Rosa Parks, but holy crap, it’s gonna cost the taxpayers about $22,000 to keep him in jail.  I can think of a thing or two better to do with $22,000.  

Yeah, I live in a red Texas county. It sucks.


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0 Comments to “Local Stuff”

  1. charles r. phillips says:

    I like how the “jurors reached the verdict by joint decision.” Too perfect not to be intentional. At least Wes Gardner has a sense of humor.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    I am so :o( <— [sad face] for you JJ … a red county and a paper that sucks … sounds like where I am in CO. Have to admit, however, the article is chuckle-worthy!!

  3. Not that I am an expert or aficionado, but day job experience says his 180 day stay in your county’s detention facility will set your taxpayers back a bit more than $8,000. Not counting the costs of building the facility etc. Did he do 8000 or more dollars damage to the body politic with his scraggly pi$$ant Cannabis sativa plant? I’m bettin’ not. Better that he be fined like crap put on easy monthly payments and kept in the labor force and living at home.

  4. What? The cops didn’t… plant… the evidence?

  5. Wes Gardner was obviously having fun that day. He ended it with “…stirring the pot” in addition to the “joint decision,” “high point,” and “the seeds had been planted.”

  6. The law is for the protection of the people, a rule is a rule as any fool can see. We don’t need a long haired hippie scaring decent folks like you and me.
    I believe Kris nailed it with those lines.

  7. Olden Grey says:

    Wes Gardner could fill in for you when you have to be away from the salon.

  8. @Rick
    If police do plant the evidence and take care of it, it will grow from a misdemeanor to a felony in just a few weeks. In northeast Texas at least.

  9. Hey, SusanF, you missed “up in smoke” (Cheech an Chong, for those unitiated).

  10. @JaneE
    “harsh hit”

  11. If it had only been a gun, no law would be broken.

  12. @Cole – Gosh, that was a long time ago and I plumb forgot the lyrics!

    Now here’s a guy who is a lot scarier than a fellow carrying around a marijuana plant!


  13. Juanita Jean says:

    I was wondering who was going to find all the puns! Thank you, guys, you didn’t let me down!

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    I was thinking the same thing JJ! So many puns, so little time. Keeping the world secure from potted plants. I feel so much safer now. Ahhhhh…

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Such a small world! Needleville, TX could be the sister town to Needles, CA. I’d never consider a hair shirt, but hemp sounds pleasant.

  16. Aggieland Liz says:

    Sounds like the county made a hash of it to me…

  17. charles r. phillips says:

    Hash, Liz? Looks like you’re writing your OWN puns!
    Well done!

  18. Aggieland Liz says:

    Here’s Lizzie blowing kisses Charles ;*

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Rick-planting evidence of wmds in Iraq was brought up by SOS Condomeater Rice,but dumbass dubya shot that idea down saying everyone knows you can’t grow stuff in the desert.

    The gentleman pictured sure looks like he could benefit from a visit to TWMDBS for a shave and shearing.

  20. This a case where the stupid law is the law so you have to follow it or else! The State has the POWER and you can’t really fight it. But I disagree, in that he is like Rosa but unfortunately no one really cares in this case. Too many people are terrified of drugs and so the dumbassd war on drugs will continue, especially when the cops & politicians are getting rich or high off it.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    PKM-Needles.Calif. made it into a song by Three Dog Night called Never Been to Spain. Suck on that Needleville.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    If Islamaphobic Trump buys California can he rename it his personal Calif-Hate?

  23. Elizabeth Moon says:

    It’s a stupid law. It’s a stupid decision. And no, I don’t approve of the war on drugs, and strongly suspect a financial flow between private prisons, law enforcement, and the drug cartels…and I’d like to include the Texas lege in that, too.

    But it’s not as bad a law as segregation or the new voter suppression laws, or Abbott’s threat to punish nonprofits for helping Syrian immigrants. You’ve got a right to go to jail to stand up for whatever you want, but it seems a waste to do it for pot.

  24. Stupid law, no doubt, but great news writing. Kind of a shame it wasn’t in a better circulation paper (but then, editors at the bigger papers have no sense of humor).
