Local Stuff

January 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yep, I heard about it.  Craig Brady acted the fool in front of Republican women.

I should have an audio tape of it by tonight but if you have a video of it, please send it to me and I’ll protect your identity.  The locals need to see it.  I know it scary to take him on because he’ll sic his lawyer on you but I’m hoping one of you will have the courage to send it.

I was out shopping and got a call from a semi-Republican friend of mine who is visiting in another state right now.  This news traveled across at least three state lines within 30 minutes of it happening.  That ain’t bad for a small Texas town.

It appears that one of our Republican candidates for sheriff, who is currently the Chief Deputy at the sheriff’s office, went beeezerk at a candidates debate at the Republican women’s club.  During their closing statements, Chief Craig Brady completely lost it at retired DPS Trooper and all around nice guy R D Frazier, who was sitting in the back of the room minding his own business.  It is fair to say that Trooper Frazier is not a giant fan of Chief Brady but that wasn’t what the debate was about, and the Trooper hadn’t said a word.

Brady’s  behavior has Republican woman all a’ talking about how weird it was to see such a small man throw such a large rude and unstable fit.  Right in the smack-dab middle of some place he was trying to impress people.

Brady, as usual, traveled with his entourage, all wearing Brady tee-shirts to an event where everyone else was dressed nicely.  Frankly, it made Brady look like he had emptied out the entire trailer park.  Then they took up 3 rows and sat on their rumps while the women who had come to the debate to make their decision about who to vote for had to stand.

More to come as I hear ……

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