Local Stuff

April 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Texas City, where  oil gets refined in Texas, had a power failure early this morning and began to use the emergency flare system to burn off excess products in order to prevent an explosion.  There were 9 major flares this morning coming from Valero, Marathon, BP, and Dow Chemical.

Flare at BP Plant in Texas City

Schools were closed and people were asked to shelter in place.  My friends there say the odor is awful and report burning eyes and coughing.

It has been so dry here that lizards are carrying canteens and the catfish are wearing flea collars.  It is suspected that salt build up on the power lines and the heavy winds we’ve been having caused the problem.  The salt builds up when the rain doesn’t wash it off.

I am sad to report that Rick Perry’s six buggy prayer meeting and tent revival did nor work near as well in Texas as it did in Missouri.  I think he hates us.  Wait, wait, I don’t mean the Lord.  I mean Rick Perry.  For a while I thought maybe Rick was secretly praying for rain in Missouri instead of Texas, but on second thought that couldn’t be right.  Rick never prays secretly.  All his prayers are very public and  loud enough to jar the pecan off the tree.

So, best I can figure, the Lord ain’t happy with Rick Perry.

Those of you prone to prayer, please say a secret one for the working souls in Texas City.

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