Local Milk People?

August 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Transcripts of the conversations Trump had with the Presidents of Australia and Mexico have come out of hiding and it appears that Trump lied to them, too.

You can read the transcripts online just about anywhere but here’s one thing that has me very confused.  In talking about taking in refugees from Australia, Trump says …


Y’all, look, I’m just a hairdresser from Texas so maybe there’s something I don’t know.  Who are the “local milk people.”  I’m pretty sure I don’t have any local milk people because you’d think that’s something they’d tell me.  You know, “Hey Juanita, meet your local milk people.”

Are they people who drink milk, sell milk, spill milk, milk cows, milk goats, make butter?  My milk comes from the H.E.B.  I don’t know how local that is.

Maybe if we gave the refugees some milk, they wouldn’t be “bad.”  I wonder if Trump ever thought about that.

These are confusing times, my friend.


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